This is from my friend Selena at the Motley Fool. I thought she might find some interested teenage-type people here.
"Howdy, folks!
I’m one of the Motley Fool ( writers at Fool HQ and I’ve just been given a new job. I’m going to write a booklet about money and investing that’s directed at teens. (At least that’s the plan.)
It’s been a while since I was a teenager myself, so I’m thinking I can probably use the help of some actual teens. This is where you might come in.
I’d like to form a “Consulting Team” of teens. If you’re interested in participating, here’s what I think would be involved:
– We’d communicate by e-mail.
– I’d send out occasional questions, asking for your thoughts, ideas, suggestions and opinions.
– I might even send out some sample pages, maybe to see if I’m explaining something well enough.
– This would last a few months at the most. You might hear from me a few times per week for a while (possibly even once a day for a few days), and maybe not hear from me for several weeks, too.
– You would NOT be required to answer every (or any) message I send you.
You can answer any ones you want – all of them, or just some of them.
– I will NOT share your e-mail address with the world.
I’m hereby inviting any interested teens to contact me to sign up. If you’re interested (and you’re at least 13 years old and up to 20 or so years old), here’s what to do:
Send me an e-mail, to:
And tell me:
Your name (just your first name is okay)
Your age
Your gender
Don’t feel you need to sign up to do anyone a favor. I don’t need that many people. Only sign up if you’re really interested. (You don’t have to be that interested in money and investing – but just interested in helping me out by providing some feedback and thoughts.)
Oh – and you should ask your parents first if you can participate. They may worry later if they hear you’re emailing a stranger.
That’s it. Thanks!
Selena Maranjian"
I’m already in the group, along with 11 other males and 3 females. She’s looking for about . . . ten more people?