Teens' Inhumanity to Teens (WARNING: Description of Sexual Assault Contained Herein)

Tacky? Yes. Obnoxious? Yes. Funny? Hell yes. Sounds like Zen’s got the hat-trick, to me.

Honey, if the judge is female, and is going easy on rape of any kind…she’s a complete waste of protoplasm. Stupid, STUPID, STOOOOPID of a woman to think that a little “rough housing by the guys” rape isn’t a henious crime.

The terminology might be objectionable to you, but come on…the stupid fool just told a bunch of hoodlums with no sense of humanity that they’re “in denial” so they don’t have to take responsibility for what they did. THAT, my friend, is tacky and obnoxious.

Maybe she has a nice age appropriate offspring that she’d allow to date one of the guys. She’s got no problem with allowing them to be out loose so they can pull another Big Jock bully-show again. Maybe she only has daughters…and from their previous actions, she’d assume they were safe.

Stupid woman, just unbelieveably stupid.

Maybe she wasn’t stupid. Maybe she was just paid off.

Cosmopolitan, I’ve been following this story, too (and you know where I live). And if you were a senior when Telcontar was a freshman, then you and I are the same age and I know some people that were in your graduating class.

Did you see in Newsday how the students staged a walkout because the principal cancelled the football season for the year? The team, cheerleaders and some other students walked out around 10am (this was Wednesday I think) and went back to class by noon. I don’t think it achieved squat. Either way, I’m still amazed this has happened.

I’m scared to think this is happening in my old high school, too.

AudreyK, the last I checked, this was the Pit. The ranting light remains permanently lit hereabouts. Have you ever used the term, “waste of skin” in your life? How about, “limp dick” to describe an ineffectual male specimen? I merely feminized these two epithets responding to the article in question. I rather enjoy making sure that women are properly included in my own colorful language. After all, you can hardly say that a woman doesn’t have the “balls” to do something. Therefore, I have always said that a woman lacks the “ovaries” to do whatever deed is being referred to.

I’m pretty confident you know that I wasn’t directing such comments at you or womanhood as a whole. The judge in the article is a hypocrite of the first water and such stunningly ludicrous (lack of) jurisprudence really ticks me off. If you choose to consider that my choice of words reflects poorly upon me, so be it. There is little if anything you could possibly do to reverse my stand about this incompetent judge. Whatever brickbats come my way for speaking openly (or colorfully) about it aren’t going to keep me awake during the long winter nights.

Originally posted by saramamlana:

Just for clarification purposes; I graduated in 1997 - I’m 24, nearly 25. E-mail me if you care to tell me who you knew.

And yes, I saw the news about the “walkout”. [nitpick] The Bellmore-Merrick Central High School District school board (not the W.C. Mepham High principal) voted to cancel the football season.[/nitpick]

I think the walkout was a load of horseshit that only serves to make the entire Mepham population look like whiny brats, whereas (to my knowledge) in actuality, most - if not all - of the protesters were football players & cheerleaders.

The football team, I can’t feel any sympathy for. The season wasn’t cancelled solely because of what three players did: It was cancelled because the school board felt that many of the players who didn’t actively participate in the alleged assaults knew what happened but chose to remain silent, rather than speaking out against the alleged perpetrators.

It sucks for them that the cheerleaders won’t be participating in football season, but really, was this little protest necessary? It just goes to show that they need, way more than to cheer at football games, is a reality check - the degree to which they were wronged is miniscule in comparison to the degree to which their schoolmates were violated, yet they don’t grasp that.

In short, I think that Ellis Henican was right on target when he wrote this piece:

I’ve been following this story since the beginning. As a native LIer, Newsday’s site is one I look at every day to keep up with stuff happening back in the old happy hunting grounds.

I hadn’t posted to this thread yet because I’m still speechless about the whole thing and really didn’t have anything worthwhile to contribute. But after reading the linked articles, reading this thread a bunch of times, reading other articles, and talking to MamaCrease who still lives in the area, it finally dawned on me.

Cosmo wrote:

I didn’t go to Mepham, but I am a product of the BMCHSD (Go Colts!) and I share this sentiment. I guess it’s easy to say to yourself, “This shit doesn’t happen where I live” but when you find out it does, it makes a story like this hard to accept. And harder to admit.

It’s almost board maintenance time so I’ll have to add more later. But after 5 days, I just had to say something.

thatDDperson, you’ll get no argument from me that the judge was an idiot. It still doesn’t make it A-OK in my book to make crude, sexist remarks. That’s all I’m sayin’.

I guess it’s easy to think that because I have a problem with your post that I disagree with your point. I don’t. Yes, she’s a terrible judge who made some ignorant, insensitive remarks. If you think I’m bringing this up because I disagree with your assessment of the judge’s competence, you’re quite mistaken.

All I’m saying is that it was unnecessary to use the words you did. I’m glad you’re striving for equality between the sexes, but it was not necessary to feminize any of your insults, because the judge’s gender was largely irrelevant. There are ways to say “waste of skin” without using the word “tits”. There are ways to say “ineffective” without using the phrase “limp clit”. There are ways to express those sentiments without making yourself look like a vulgar, sexist pig. Sure, they may not be as emotinally satisfying or worthy of the Pit, but your point will come across as rational and more credible. Dunno about you, but I’d rather not strike folks as raving.

They weren’t sexist, they were dead fucking spot on right.

Zenster could’ve said that a male judge was a ‘waste of skin’ or a ‘limp dick’ and nobody would’ve been railing about how sexist and offensive those remarks were, but because he was talking about a woman who happens to be a useless turd and a braindead asshole, all of a sudden it’s not OK to call her the very same thing he would have called a man who did what this judge did because that’s ‘sexism’

Zenster doesn’t look like a sexist pig. He looks like someone who’s capable of pointing out an asshole where there is, in fact, an asshole.

Now, as for someone who looks like they’re raving, perhaps it’s the person who can’t handle a waste of oxygen and an embarassment to the judicial system being called what she deserves?

Then again, if the judge were male, and the victim female, there would be people in here screaming for his misogynist head. So, perhaps in addition to being a limp-clitted waste of tits, this judge is also a misandrist asshole who should never have been put on the bench.

catsix, two points, and then I officially don’t care about this topic enough to waste time repeating myself:

  1. The closest accurate equivalent to “waste of tits” would be “waste of testicles”, not “waste of skin.” It wouldn’t have been “the same thing.”

  2. Your own phrases “useless turd” and “braindead asshole” are gender-nonspecific. Ditto for “person who can’t handle a waste of oxygen and an embarassment to the judicial system being called what she deserves.” My entire point is that it’s not necessary to deliberatly craft gender-specific insults when the gender of the insulted is irrelevant. You seem to have found adequate non-gender-specific names for both myself and the judge. I can conclude from that that if you do make gender-specific insults, you’re doing it simply because you can and want to. Doesn’t matter if it’s relevant.

Classy, real classy.

I’ve called men a ‘waste of a dick’ before. I’ve called them ‘dickheads’ and ‘nutless wonders’ because it accurately described them.

As for my use of different terms for the judge in this case, I didn’t want to just repeat the ones Zenster already used, but I think those insults and more are well deserved in the case of this ovary-lacking embarassment to the human race.

How this moronic waste of a vagina became a judge, I don’t know, and I’m not sure I want to. Only a right cunt (or dick, whichever shoe fits) would give a damn whether a bunch of rapists missed their first year of college. Whether it’s because she doesn’t take rape seriously, or because she doesn’t consider it ‘so bad’ to sodomize a boy with a broomstick, she shouldn’t be a judge. At best, she’s ineffective in determining punishment, and at worst possibly misandrist.

Apparently you missed the part where when I insult someone who so richly deserves it, as this judge does, I’m not attempting to be ‘classy’. The point is being as insulting to her as possible.

AudreyK, please do not think for one moment that I suspected you of siding with the Kiwi judge. That thought never crossed my mind. As to my choice of words, even my worst detractors at these boards will cheerfully confirm that I am an equal opportunity offender. I insult and antagonize all on an equal opportunity basis. People who go out of their way to make this world a worse place to live in get the brunt of my ire.

That Kiwi judge helped perpetuate the twisted and sick old “boys will be boys” mentality that continues to gnaw at society’s vitals. That a woman would do so is revolting beyond words. She had a chance to take a universal stand on rape and instead swept it under the rug. She rates lower than pond scum in my book.

catsix, thank you very much for understanding so perfectly my own thinking process in this case. It is especially gratifying that a woman would completely comprehend my highly specific references were clearly targeted with the intent of belittling the judge’s competence and in no ways directed towards women as a whole.

I cannot agree with you more that had the judge been male and had I called him a ‘waste of skin’ (or testicles) or a ‘limp dick’ that not one peep would have been heard from anyone. It was exceedingly fair of you to understand and explain my actions to those less capable of understanding them.

Thank You,


PS: So, AudreyK, I suppose my poor choice of words now negates any birth control clinic defense work or fund raising I’ve done to protect women’s rights? I do not expect you to be fully aware of my stand on women’s rights. If you were, you might understand that my detestation of rapists and wife-beaters goes beyond words. But all of that is washed away by a few colorful epithets I invented for someone who would de-emphasize the brutal torture and anal rape of a young man.

CreaseMunky, you went to Calhoun too?

I hope these perverts have to register as sex offenders for the rest of their lives.

That’s where you’re wrong.

Don’t you mean:

[Redbeard Rum] “That’s Where You’re Wrong!!!”[/RR] ?

metroshane, that’s something I hadn’t even thought of. And I think that’s a really good point. But are there criteria for doing that? I mean does someone have to have done something on X level to have to register? I really don’t know the laws on it.

Another alumni of the Bellmore-Merrick school district checking in to express utter shock and disgust. A Kennedy Cougar to be sure.

My mom mentioned this to me the other day, but I didn’t hear anything about it officially until I just read the linked articles. I’m simply in awe.

When I first entered HS, there were all these hazing stories going around about what the tough older kids would put you through. Most of them were pretty ridiculous (I actually remember someone saying to me: “I heard they make you put peanut butter on your armpits, then run a mile, and then eat it off.”). Some were more likely: ass-paddling, and stuff like that.

I never saw any of this type of hazing first-hand, nor did I even hear about it at the time, but I have to look back and wonder.

I’ve always kinda felt like certain spoiled suburban brats have an inferiority complex regarding their own toughness when compared to inner city kids, and over-compensate. Still, I have never really imagined this level of cruelty right in my home town.

I’m not a violent person in the least, but sitting here thinking about this I have such a rage building inside of me I just want these boys in front of me so I could beat the shit out 'em.

Stupid fuckin’ kids!

So if something is gender-related it is automatically sexist? That’s bullshit. And of course it wasn’t classy–it’s a goddamned RANT about a judge who let RAPISTS WALK!

As far as the actual situation here… this was rape, plain and simple. It should be prosecuted and punished just like any other rape.

This kind of shit makes me sick.

And I’m in the camp, by the way, that says that HS sports would be better done away with. Especially when they monopolize the freakin school budget like they did at my HS.

Moe: You went to Kennedy? Ewwwwwwwwwwww. Kennedy’s gonna slide right off into the water one of these days soon, man; good you got out already. :wink: