Teeny amount of valium detected in urine after a month - what up?

I took 2mg of valium (accidentally - thought it was zoloft) at around the 2nd of January and it was detected in my urine today. Definitely not taken any benzos since (or even in a few months before).

Any idea what could cause it to show up? It’s not a big deal other than I have just moved and am at a new drug place, unlike the US they’re not going to chuck me off things or anything, it’s just that I don’t want to look like a liar and the internet is telling me it should only be detectable for ten days too!

(I am also asking because I am worried if I have organ damage or something. Which organ gets rid of the metabolites of valium? My liver is 50% too big.)

  1. Diazepam has a very long half life, one of the longest of the benzodiazepines.

2.Did they detect diazepam itself? Or a metabolite? The metabolites surely have half lives of their own which may be long.

“the internet is telling me it should only be detectable for ten days too!”

What! You’re saying that we can’t rely on everything alleged to be a fact on the internet?

How do you accidently take a prescription drug?

No idea, it was just a mutliple strip stuck in urine, one of which was labelled “benzos” (or similar)

You take one of your brother’s sleeping tablets which you think is zoloft, but isn’t. Not hard really :smiley:

What’s a “drug place”? Is that a pharmacy or clinic of some type?

So by “drug place”, I am assuming you mean drug treatment center of some kind? Were you not in a drug treatment center at all prior to this current one?

“You take one of your brother’s sleeping tablets which you think is zoloft, but isn’t. Not hard really”

Yeah, you need to get into that new drug place because plainly you have a drug problem. Several I guess since one of your problems is that you think Zoloft is a sleeping pill.

I read that as he took his brother’s sleeping pill (valium, which can be used for sleeping), when he thought he was reaching for his Zoloft (which I assume the OP is on), not that Zoloft is a sleeping pill.

Either way it’s a drug problem because you really shouldn’t be “reaching” for other peoples prescription meds. :dubious:

You’re wife is trying to kill you by slipping you pills in your milk :slight_smile:

Ah, GQ. The place where everyone comes so they can be judged by everyone and not to get answers to factual questions.

Probably not by accident.

Valium stays in the system a long, long time. It can be detected in the urine up to 2 months after a single dose.

Zoloft for sleep? More likely to cause insomnia…

Reflect upon the advantages of an abstinent lifestyle.

Hmm, turns out I don’t mean zoloft, I mean whatever that sleeping pill is that beings with Z. It’s a very common thing whatever it is.

Cheers Qadgop.