teh vs. het vs. hte vs. eth

My most-commonly occuring typos?

teh for the
slef for self
jsut for just
aobut for about
dosen’t for doesn’t
putting the apostrophe after the contraction (as in dont’ for don’t)
ti for it
out/put… spell check doesn’t catch that one, darn it!

And just for the record, I hate it when I think I hit a key, but actually didn’t. I guess I’m pretty percfectionist when it comes to my typing, so when I catch a typo after it’s too late to change anything, it is a bit irritating.

Damn… noticed a typo in my last post… of course, I meant “perfectionist” rather than what I actually typed!

While I’m at it, I should mention some other mistakes I commonly make:

of r for “for” (that one’s really weird)
taht for that
certian for certain

I live in the most missed-typed city on the planet. You try typing “Englewood” and not have it end up “Engelwood.” I’ve seen it typed that way on envelopes and even on trailers on TV news.

I’ve trained myself to type it right. Now when I address an envelope to “England,” it comes out “Englewood” if I don’t think about it. So I use “UK.”

I constantly use teh, “tot he”, and other various typos.

However, I also have a rather embarrassing propensity to typo the b in bigger as an n. :eek: Usually I catch it, but when I don’t…:frowning:

::cue FDISK madly yelling "CRAP CRAP SORRY IT’S A TYPO!::

I seem to recall a “your most embarrassing typos” thread, but I can’t find it on search. I think this would definately qualify.

You should get an ergonomic keyboard of the type that splits in the middle. The B and N are on opposite sides of the split.

Or you could go Dvorak, where you’d typo to migger or xigger.

I do both, Dvorak on the Mac and ergonomic on the POS.

When I was in 5th grade, way back in, let’s see, it would be 1977, I still to this day remember when Clifford Bickham leaned over to me and said “Tim… Tim… How do you spell ‘THE’?”. I laughed so hard it was the only time I ever was sent out of class. I couldn’t stop laughing and even laughed in the hall for a while. I did feel bad for the kid, though.

I always type “Rollerbaldes”.

But my favorite as a Jeff K fan has got to be “teh”. And maybe “si”. As in, “CounterStrike si teh best game on teh Intrenet!”

“form” instead of “from”

This thred bothrs me

My ex called me a “gooball” instead of a “goofball” and an embarrassing petname was born.


These are just a few of my favourite typos.

Back in the days of DOS I used to type CPOY instead of copy. I did this so often that I finally wrote a CPOY program that invoked the copy command.

The one that annoys me most (when I do it) is to type you instead of your, as in: “Thank you for you help”