Telemarketer question

Weird. I very rarely get them. I have gotten one in the past 10 days, but I hardly ever get them. I always politely tell them that I do not accept unsolicited phone calls.

Well,** InvisibleWombat** you have ask a very interesting questions, and have recieved some informative answer. Thank you, and I thank everyone who gave one of those informative answers, such as:Antinor01, Hampshire, Tabula Rasa, blinkingblinking, BlakeTyner, MLS, Engywook and monica. (list is not all-inclusive)

As to the “do not call” list: there are exceptions- dudes you already have a wroking raltionship with (you bank, your credit card comapnies, your insurance co, your telephone and your long distance co) can all call you, list or no. So cal Policial callers. There are other excpetions. I haven’t hade a REAL telemarketer call after being put on the DNC list, but still my phone rings from dudes I really don;t want a pitch from. Sozens during this last ecletion, for exxample.

About the individual business “do not call” list, I am unsure if those loopholes also apply to them. Say, your CC company calls, can you really legally get them to not call back?

A few weeks ago I got a cold call from a company. They went through their thing and I said “Well could you send something to me in the mail about you’re company”

“What’s your fax sir, I can fax something over to you right away?”
::yea, then you’ll have my fax number too::
“I don’t have a fax, could you just mail me something”

“How about you’re email address, I can email you some information”
::right, like that’s gonna happen::
“Sorry, I don’t have an email address, could you just mail something too me”

“Well we don’t waste time with regular mail.”
“Well then I’m not gonna waste any time with you’re company…click.”

The do not call list wasn’t intended for businesses–it was intended for residences. As a business owner, I get plenty of telemarketing calls for everything from toner to wholesale products, not to mention phone services, postage meters, and other B2B items.