Teletubbies = Agents of Satan!

Not our own beloved fellow doper, but the evil one. It says so right here.

I’ve also heard that Cap’n Crunch is a pedophile. What other “innocent” products/programs are actually evil propaganda aimed at destroying the innocence of youth? (Feeble minds want to know!)


Years and years ago, I read an editorial in my hometown paper detailing how the “Popeye” cartoons actually promote drug-use. Popeye always got magically strong by inhaling “spinach” through his pipe. This of course is <i>obviously</i> marijuana. Another very damning piece of evidence is that his girlfriend is the anorexic Olive Oyle, who could only possibly be that skinny because she’s a drug addict who forsakes food in favor of her next Hit.

(This was an honest to God editorial. I did not make the above up.)

Another well-known children’s television drug-addict: Steve from Blue’s Clues! How else can you explain a real-life guy who lives in a cartoon world and has conversations with his puppy, his salt and pepper shaker, his clock and his mailbox?!? He is unquestionably experiencing the world’s most vivid and prolonged acid hallucination ever!

Baloo, babe, your link’s giving me nuthin but a heartache and a “Page Not Found”. :frowning:

It worked earlier. Honest! Here’s the bare URL:


Okay, that one works, and I’ve now added it to my Favorites.

Not sure whether your OP is tongue-in-cheek or not–I’m interpreting this website as strongly satirical. I’ve watched Teletubbies many times (you don’t want to know about it, trust me) and every one of the website’s JPG graphics are composites, or setups with Teletubby dolls. There’s no real episode that has a Teletubby eating a dog, or dancing on a hillside with Hitler.

So I’m assuming that “Joe Lancioni” isn’t really trying to make a serious case that the Teletubbies are Satanic (although I know there are people who do), he’s just having a fine time jerking our collective chain.

Dead giveaway, for me–if he was serious, he’d have tons of links to other similar sites. “You don’t believe me? Well, check out what Pat Robertson has to say…”

Although I will admit that I didn’t click on everything, maybe he does have links in there, in which case I withdraw my comment.

Aw, c’mon, DDG. It’s OBVIOUSLY a PARODY. This guy is using the teletubbies to poke fun at the wackos who actually believe this stuff!!! You have been warned!!!

I’ve got a three year old so I get up every Saturday and Sunday morning and watch Tubbies. Then Rugrats. Then SpongeBob. Then Angry Beavers. The link is obviously either a parody or someone with a grudge against the Tubbies. However, I did find one true statement on the site. The little baby is pure evil and I’ve told Momma Jesus that from the very beginning. When the baby looks to the side and smirks…pure evil.

This is the name I am going to choose if I ever put together an all female punk band.

This Teletubbies site is made in the same vein as the “Bert is evil” website.

When I was young and impressionable, I went to several Christian after-school and summer camp groups. One lady there was a real fanatic. She said that Archie comics were soft porn because of the trashy way Betty and Veronica were dressed.

But my fave by far was the crusade to get the Care Bears off the air. You see, the Care Bears could join hands and think good thoughts and summon a power greater than the sum of their parts, the better to solve their problems. Yes, a power other than God! Must be evil. I think the makers of the cartoon were just trying to teach people to co-operate, but these people were convinced the cuddly mammals were EVIL.

I know so many “ministers” who would get up in arms about anything!
SOmeone once even played the theme to Mr. Ed backwards and got a “satanic” message, with some weird horse sounds in it.

All I want to know is why the guys get the lame toys (Purse and Hat) and the gals get the cool ones (Ball and Scooter). And how come the big one is a spineless wimp (did I mention the purse) and the little baby (with the cool scooter) is the brave one who always saves the day?

I have heard it told amongst conspiracy theorists that Snap, Crackle, and Pop are merely a thinly veiled reference to the Trilateral Commission, and the the interactions between Trix the Rabbit and the cereal eating children is a metaphor for class warfare.

But, watch anything for subtext, and you can find it.

Does anyone remember the details of the Mighty Mouse Cocaine scandal?

I saw the episode in question and remember the scene that caused all the controversy. Mighty Mouse & some others are on a camping trip and while they’re sitting around the campfire, MM takes a flower, crushes it to dust in his hand, and snorts it.

I thought it was weird, but what the hell – all the Mighty Mouse episodes were a little bizzare. I thought it was entertaining. Sheesh! I mean, one of his nemeses was called “The Cow”. Training manual for drug use? I think not.

As far as finding Satanic conspiracies under every rock (and on every cerial box, cartoon, and popular children’s toy, for that matter) I believe the folks who “discover” such hidden meanings would find them wherever they look. I’m sure some do. Fnord.


::bolding mine::


Uh oh, run Baloo, run fast !

Satanic? I just thought they were gay?

And we all know that Barney is the true agent of Lucifer. I have proof here if you need it.


Baloo never runs in the face of danger. (He walks very swiftly!)


well, when barney first came out, i had a dream that he “raped” me. scariest thing i ever did dream. Big giant purple and green penises are incredibly frightening.

Several years ago, I read a book by some fruitcake (can’t remember his name or the title, sorry…something like “Evil Toys”) and he claimed everything from My Pretty Ponies to He-Man and She-Ra were the products of a giant conspiracy to turn our children to Satanism. He really had a thing about Rainbow Brite, as I recall; he also said the Care Bears promoted premarital co-habitation because you had bears and monkeys and whatever of both sexes all living together up on that cloud. His basic premise was, if a toy doesn’t derive directly from the Bible, then it’s a Satanic toy. And I thought Jesse Helmes only accused the purple Teletubby of being gay? Not to mention Bert and Ernie!