Television Commercials You Like

Ads for feminine-hygeine-products, and for remedies for bodily functions usually make me giggle.
For example, there’s this couple sitting in a rowboat in the middle of a lake, and the boat begins to leak. What does the young lady propose as a solution? That’s right! A tampon. Hey, I don’t care who you are or what problem you’re having, but if it’ll plug the leak in a boat…DON’T!
Remedies for too much pooping/not enough pooping will also get my attention.

I still love that little gecko, esp. the one where he drives into his Employee of the Month parking space.

he he he

The California cheese commercials. Especially the one with Bobcat Goldthwait as the rooster. But the sheep one is good too.

I just love the ones for Puma running shoes, the official shoe of the Jamaican Relay team.

All of 'em.

Too bad they’ll be gone forever in a couple of weeks.