Madam, too modest you are.
Yeah, it’s definitely shorter than ten minutes. Hell, my current commute is the PATH train to WTC, and I work in a building across from the Staten Island Ferry Terminal at the south end of the island. I don’t mind the walk at all.
It sounds to me like the best bet for the OP would be the Penn Station job, although the commute from there to the Bronx via subway doesn’t sound like it would be much trouble (providing it’s actually accessible via subway).
Well, another reason to hate 9/11. My sister used to work in that building and it was easily accessible from the WTC concourse, where the PATH came in. And it was a touch uptown from the PATH, as I recall as well as a bit East. I worked at 61 B’way, which was a touch downtown.
Anyway, to answer the OP, I would say the Bronx is not doable unless there’s some unexpected express bus, which is doubtful. I’ll keep my fingers crossed about One Penn Plaza - you really can’t do better than that!
My neighbor commutes from Trenton to Manhattan everyday and says she enjoys it most of the time. NJ Transit is quite reliable.
Whoops, premature posting: I go to NYC a few times a month by train and the NE Corridor train (Trenton-Princeton-New Brunswick-Newark) goes right into Penn Station. The ride in is somewhat tame (coming from Trenton), but as previous poster wrote, it can be quite a circus to catch the outbound trains to Jersey, as they post the track number right before the train arrives and people run like wild animals.
I have not taken public transit from Penn to Bronx, but I imagine it’s quite a hike.
BTW, there are two “Penn Stations”: one in NJ and the “real one” in NYC. If you’re mapping out a route, keep this in mind.
Welcome to NJ! I’m about 20 miles south of you and I love it here, been here exactly a year.