Tell Me About Sawtooth NRA

Does anyone here have experience with Sawtooth National Recreation Area? I plan on going camping there, and I want to be as away from people as possible. Lookout Mountain is supposed to be a difficult hike, but I don’t know if there is camping along the way. I don’t mind hiking for a few hours (3-4) to get to a nice camping spot. I’m new to wilderness camping also. I’ve read, but never been.

Also, am I going to have trouble with snow at the end of September?

Any info would be helpful.

I was there a few years ago. Didn’t camp, just drove through it. I was there in the month of June. There was still a lot of snow on the ground. There was also hardly any vehicular (or otherwise) traffic. It is a really remote place. Stanley, ID, which is in the area, frequently has the lowest recorded temperature of any town in the lower 48 states on a given day. There are at least two ranger stations. They have (or had) free tapes to rent that you could listen to in your car that describe sites along the road through the recreation area. Enjoy! It’s a beautiful place.

Around here there are several outdoor gear distributors (Any Moumtain, REI, etc) who’ll give you all the info you could possibly want, and then some.
We’re not going to read about you in the papers, are we? :wink: Be sure to leave specific info as to your trip with some of those people you want to avoid before you go.
Remember: Fetal Position. :stuck_out_tongue:

Thanks for the info. I’ve since found that there are some books on the trails in Sawtooth and I probably will pop into REI for some supplies I need, anyway. There must be a pretty small window where there’s not snow on the mountains there. I need a nervous smiley.

I’m going with someone who’s already been there but he said I can pick a trail, and another person who’s a wilderness newbie.

3 people…sounding more and more like that movie. Yeah, I have to make sure I watch that movie before I go so I’ll know what not to do. :smiley:

Glad you caught the movie referrence. Just don’t get confused and watch Deliverance.