I’m watching a Russian TV series and some police give a visiting detective this tube of some sort of alcoholic beverage as a going away present. It seems to be glass, not plastic, and I don’t think I’ve ever seen anything like it and I’m curious about what it is. Anyone know? It seemed like too serious of a moment to be a zany novelty gift. Is this some meaningful style, and pricey contents?
What show is it?
Could be the Russian equivalent of a Yard of Ale…
Wiki says all that ?
I am hooked on the BBC show The Repair Shop and recently the folks had to fix up a tippling stick and I think that’s what you got there, mate.
Your TV show creators are obviously not familiar with the object as you don’t drink straight out of the stick; there’s a little cup inside you tip the booze into for imbibing. Like a proper gent.
It is about the size and overall dimensions of an AK-47 liquor bottle. It doesn’t share other features but that’s what popped into my head.
So I was randomly fed a Facebook post about a sword of vodka:
I wasn’t able to find an exact match, but did find others close enough to see that alcohol swords appear to be a thing in Russia and nearby areas.