Tell Me About Tubal Ligation

OK folks, my health insurance is going to go up another $100 a month soon, life is getting interesting in a good way, and I am at a point in my life where I can say not only do I definitely not want kids, it wouldn’t be a good idea for me to have them. As a result, I’m seriously considering getting a tubal ligation. What can you tell me about it? Specifically, how long does it take to recover from as well as to perform? I’m in excellent health and I’ve never had an operation before, but I gather that this is a pretty minor one. I’m also not on any medication at the moment, including birth control. Since my health insurance covers it, it should also save a nice amount on the latter.

Any advice, folks? No, I’m not going to say why the sudden interest other than that it’s the logical thing to do.


I don’t know how long the actual surgery took, but I think I was home after about 6 hours or so, including pre-surgery and all. Be sure you have someone to drive you home. I was off pain medicine within 2 days (Darvocet), and didn’t have any ill effects from it. I did take off work the next day and sleep most of that day. The incision is also in my belly button, so there’s no scarring for me (it’s barely visible at all).

I was just looking at tubal ligation information yesterday and I found some fairly good info. Planned parenthood covers how it works, reasons for/against, different methods of sterilization and Q&A.
On the Essure webpage under options they give estimated recovery times as well as other surgical info in comparison to the Essure method of steralization.
My only problem, no doctor will take me seriously that I have no desire to have kids, ever. I am nearly 30, and since I am under 35 no one will consider doing the surgury on me so that is a a rant all of its own.

I am glad you asked, CJ as I’ve been planing that surgery for years.

Is pain medicatio always needed afterwards?
My dr. will do it, as I am 45.
I am on b.c. pills and plan to stay on them afterwards.

Easy operation, fast and pretty safe. Minimal scarring, one in the navel and one on the mons that is hidden by my pubes [though now they may only use one slice to work in…]

Do be prepared for it to feel like somone is prying off your shoulderblades with a screwdriver on the off chance you are one of the people that the gas they pump in doesnt all come out and the occasional bubble hits a nerve in your upper abdomen=)

That part was really bad on the drive home=\ but other than a real desire not to do situps for a few days, easily handled by tylenol3 in my case, though I was offered a couple of options by my doctor.

Do be forewarned that some women get their cramps reduced, most get no change in cramps but a lucky few percent get the feeling they are going into labor every time they cycle…and do be forewarned that if you have the old style where they just banded the tubes they can get popped open by an inopportune infection in the area, and there are probably another few odd ways for it to fail…but those are incredibly rare!

And the freedom from worrying about spawning is more liberating than going on the pill, you dont have to worry about forgetting to take it, or if other meds will interfere…and enjoy=)

Never had any problem getting either surgery done. (I had the Essure first, and when the left tube didn’t take, I had a full tubal done). I was 29.5 when I got the Essure procedure. My age for the tubal was irrelevant, since I had to have it done at that point.

Did you already have children at the time? I keep being told that since I have no children now, I will probably change my mind and want them later they keep telling me. Whatever! I never ever wanted kids, even as a little kid I never had those “when I grow up, get married and have a baby(babies)” thoughts or ideas. I didn’t even play with baby dolls. My husband supports my desire to “get fixed” as he doesn’t want kids either. Maybe I will start calling all the womens clinics in town… hmmm… :::I’m shutting up now…:::

Siege, good luck with your surgury when you decide to have it done.

No pain medication. The worst part was taking off the hospital issue band-aids. I must be allergic to the adhesive. Had red marks on my skin for weeks.

No pain. A little bit of a sore throat from the tube they put down during surgery. :slight_smile:

BUT after that the periods got progressively heavier until I ended up having another procedure to deal with that. I was told (on another website) that having a tubal ligation can cause heavier periods. Is it true? I don’t know. :confused:

Nope, no children.

I had my tubal ligation done May 2002.

I believe I was in and out of the surgery center in less than 4 hours. Easy peasy.

They went in through my navel and my c-section scar. I didn’t have a tube put down my throat. I only had a tiny bit of soreness at the c-section incision site. I was a bit groggy the rest of the day due to the general anesthesia. I don’t general anesthesia very well. Makes me puke for a day or two after. YMMV

Suburban Plankton and I only have one child and we had to answer questions like, what would we do if something happened to him and we were left childless because we couldn’t have more kids. What if one of us died or we split up, would we maybe want more kids with someone else. Stuff like that.

We both agreed that our family is complete as it is. We considered both a vasectomy for him or a tubal for me. I opted for the tubal because I am 100% sure I never want to be pregnant/give birth again, no matter what. He was not 100% sure he wouldn’t want more kids with someone else should something happen to me.

Oh, and I noticed no change whatsoever in my periods afterward.

I just had this done a couple of months ago.

Only took a couple of hours - I was more worried about the anesthesia (since it makes me hurl) than the actual procedure. The anesthesiologist gave me something to prevent that, and I actually ate dinner when I went home. The doc prescribed pain meds for me, but I never needed them. I was just a little sensitive for bending over for a couple of days. I think I could have easily gone back to work the next day, but it was a weekend anyway. The worst part for me was the bandages - I am sensitive to latex, and forgot to tell the doc that, and I had a reaction to the tape.

I took my own suture out from my belly button incision a few days later, as it was starting to pull. By then, I couldn’t even see the other incision.

The only aftermath I’ve had to deal with was actually a result of going off the bc pills, but if you’re not on them to begin with, this probably won’t be an issue for you.

Why would you stay on them if you can’t get pregnant?

I want to get this procedure done as well.

I worry about the complications. How bad is it if one gets an infection afterwards? It says the risk of damage to the bowels is minute, but emergency surgery may be required if it happens. What exactly does that mean? It’s possible for the doctor to accidentally slice open your bowels or something?

Obviously I will be talking to my doctor about this. I’m just curious since we’re on the subject. :slight_smile:

I am a single mom with little family support. I imagine I’ll need assistance for a few hours afterwards at least. But beyond that, will I be able to perform all my chores alone? It says not to pick up anything heavy, but can I stretch my arms up to reach something high, or bend over to clean up a mess?

I’ve been tossing the idea around in my mind for about five years. I’m getting older, I’ve yet to remarry (no real interest), I’m happy with my family size, etc.

for the same reason I took them at 16 and 34.
The same reason many women take birth control pills; it takes away the debilitating cramps and rush to the bathroom heavy flow.

I had mine done after my baby was born in January.

I wanted two boys and I got them, and I wanted to make sure I wasn’t having anymore surprises. Mine was done at the same time as my planned c-section, so I had my extended recovery associated with the c-section.

Good luck on whatever you plan to do, CJ! :slight_smile:

I had mine in 1982, when I was 26. I had/have no kids, so they required me to talk with a pshrink for an hour before-hand to make sure I knew what I wanted.

The surgery itself was minor (the tube down the throat irritated my throat when I woke up), and I was up until 11 that night with no hassle. I probably had some post-surgical pain, but it couldn’t have been a big deal, as I don’t remember it. No visible scars unless you know exactly what to look for.

The practice then was to sever and cauterize each tube in three separate places, making it highly unlikely to reverse itself, although they do warn you that it CAN happen. One in a thousand was the figure I recall.

I don’t remember any change in menstrual patterns at that time. I’ve never heard of it causing changes in menstruation and have trouble imagining why it would. I suspect that any such changes have been coincidental.

The greatest risk in this surgery, like most surgeries, is the general anasthaesia. Certainly the risks are far lower than those involved in giving birth, and probably less than the risks involved in taking oral contraceptives, although those have probably improved in the years since I’ve paid any attention.