Hiya folks!
I know I’m only here sporadically, and for that I apologize. Or I say “you’re welcome”, depending on how you feel about it. If you feel anything about it at all, that is. Look, can we just get to the point?
6 weeks ago, I had bunion surgery on my left foot. My surgeon wasn’t overly communicative, so unfortunately I can’t really give you details on the KIND of bunion surgery it was. All I can say is that there is one incision about two inches long on the bunion part of the foot (the side of the bottom joint of the big toe) and a pin in that joint, sticking out of the skin almost between the big toe and its neighbour.
So far recovery has been annoying and unpleasant, but there have been very few complications and I finally get the pin out tomorrow, thank goodness, so all in all things are going well.
What I want to know is, have any of you had bunion surgery? If so, did you have a pin/pins that needed to be removed? And if so, how was your recovery after the pin was taken out? As in, were you able to wear normal shoes? Were you able to walk without limping? So on and so forth.
Of course I know that everyone heals differently, but I’m just looking for any kind of experience people have had.