(There are about a dozen threads with similar titles, but none more recent than 2014. So, here we go again! This thread is aimed at people who’ve had this surgery, so I’m not inclined to explain the various procedures, etc., in the OP. Everything is pretty easy to Google, or you can ask.)
I’m a 5’3 female with a BMI of 41, high blood pressure, and uncontrolled type 2 diabetes. I will turn 50 in September. After 5-10 years of trying various things (including a medical weight loss program in 2016) and always eventually failing, about a month ago I decided to pursue bariatric surgery. The reasons I always wind up falling off the “eating better” wagon are complicated, and I need to be forced into a permanent lifestyle change; I want immediate, negative physical consequences if I make bad choices.
At first I was leaning toward a sleeve gastrectomy, because it’s less radical and doesn’t affect nutrient absorption, but I had a consult with the bariatric surgeon on Wednesday and he explained why gastric bypass is better in my case: it has a higher “cure” rate for type 2 diabetes, and doesn’t have the same significant acid reflux side effect that is common with the sleeve procedure. I already have reflux (controlled with a daily Nexium), and I’m really not interested in it getting any worse. He said it’s my choice and he wouldn’t object to a sleeve gastrectomy for me, but I’m going for the bypass.
The insurance coordinator was on vacation this past week, so I won’t learn my insurance company’s requirements – or get any idea of when I might be able to have the surgery – until next week. In the meantime, though, I have a video consult with a dietitian scheduled for next week, and I have a phone consult with an exercise specialist scheduled for mid-August. Also, the surgeon told me that he will require some kind of cardiac testing, plus an endoscopy to make sure my reflux hasn’t caused Barrett’s esophagus – which would take sleeve gastrectomy right off the table. And my primary care doctor has said that although she’ll provide my medical clearance whenever it’s requested, she’d really like to see my A1C get down to less than 9 before the surgery (a month ago it was 10.8; it hasn’t been under 9 since 2018).
I’m at the point where I’d like to hear from others who’ve had this procedure (or the sleeve gastrectomy; they’re similar enough), and I know a bunch of Dopers have gone through it.
I’ve done a ton of research, and I know about all (most?) of the negatives: liquid diets (both before and after surgery), dumping, loose skin, no more NSAIDs or alcohol or soda, needing to take supplements for the rest of my life, etc. I’m very interested in honest anecdotes – positive or negative – from others who’ve had bariatric surgery, but I don’t need anyone to try to “scare” me: I’ll ignore any comments along the lines of “my cousin’s boss’s girlfriend’s hairdresser went in for gastric bypass and DIED” or “my mechanic’s sister’s boyfriend had gastric bypass and weighs 400 pounds now.”
I know there are risks with any procedure, and I plan to have at least one more conversation with the surgeon about them, but I feel that the likelihood of my health continuing to significantly worsen is WAY higher than the likelihood of any serious complication(s). This is going to sound vain and maybe even silly, but my biggest worry at the moment is about the eventual sagging skin. I wish I had some way to be mentally prepared for the extent and/or how it will look. I’m sure it’s different for everyone, but if anyone out there is a short female who lost >100 lbs after surgery I’m super interested in how you feel about your skin. I imagine that having a birthday suit that resembles a baby elephant won’t help me attract men, but if my options are for either my weight to be a turnoff or my loose skin I’ll pick the loose skin (and better health).
Last but not least, I’m open to respectful/sincere questions.