Tell me about your latest beer crush

Stille Nacht. Wonderful (and strong) Belgian christmas beer. Mmm…

Spaten Oktoberfest was good but I ended up getting tired of it. I haven’t really had the urge to finish the few in my fridge.

Not sure if it’s actually a crush yet, but I’m just sipping the St. Bernardus Christmas Ale I picked up for the holiday and it is excellent. It is deep, rich and fruity in flavor, and reminds me of the Ommegang Three Philosophers ale, which is brewed with cherries. I should have bought two… (it’s one of those large, champagne size/style bottles and I thought one would suffice.)

Young’s Luxury Double Chocolate Stout. Wow this thing is delicious. :slight_smile:

That stuff is awesome.

Harpoon Chocolate Stout. Too bad they only made a few thousand cases. My local today only had 2 six packs left, I had to get them.

I also found Narragansett again today, after being MIA for years! Cheap beer, but I love it.

Sam Adams Brown Ale…try it!!

Green Flash West Coast IPA. Unfortunately I can’t find a beer distributor that carries it, so I can only get it in the pub. Nice beer.

This is my favorite beer right now. I love the sweetness and nutty flavors. Plus, it comes in a can, which I hate to say, makes it kick more ass.