Tell me about Your stuff

This is a crystal crab

And this is the story of how I got it.

Apart from a couple of classic Maine Diner coffee mugs, my most prized possession has to be an autographed copy of the Cold War-era classic I Led Three Lives by Herb Philbrick.*

I also have an autographed copy of “Alcatraz from Inside” by ex-inmate Jim Quillen.

My wife has a letter written to her by (and signed by) Jim Jones (of the Jonestown Massacre) back before he became a bona fide lunatic. The letter was to thank her for helping ex-cons find employment in the San Francisco area.

That reminds me of something kind of mundane I have and will always keep. I’m a notary public in Minnesota and have saved the commission card that I received in 2000. It says that I’m commissioned by Gov Jesse Ventura (former Jesse the Body Ventura of wrestling fame). It still makes me smile.