The brakes on our 1995 POS Ford Windstar went bad, so we took it in to the dealership on Tuesday. I called at the end of the day to see if we could come and pick it up, only to be told that the brakes had been fixed, but when the mechanic went out to test drive it, it broke down. They had to have to towed back to the dealership.
Turns out one of the engine valves broke. RIP crappy old van.
So, we’re in the market for another van. We will buy used. From what I’ve seen of the prices, Toyotas and Hondas are right out. I don’t want to spend more than $12,000 for another one, and that’s including tax, license and all that extra stuff that gets tacked on. That’s going to leave things like the Dodge Caravan and the Chrysler Town and Country, among other American makes. Seems like there’s a lot of used Caravans and T&C’s out there.
So if you were us, what would you buy? Do you have an American-make van you’re driving that you really like?
I’ve had a 93 dodge caravan for the past 3 years. Paid $750 for it, and nary an issue. Only thing i’ve done are basic maintenance items, and got new brake pads a few months back. Biggest thing wrong with it is the rear window wiper is fubar.
Sadly, the ladies aren’t impressed by my frugality.
If it matters, I am. We’ll be looking at a Town and Country and a Caravan, I think. And I’d look at Kia, too, if I could find any! I’ve gotten several enthusiastic recommendations for them, but I’ve only found ads for a couple of them in a 100-mile radius.
I happen to like my Ford Windstar, but I’ll admit that when it breaks, it breaks BIG.
On the other hand, my other minivan is a 1994 Mercury Villager (same basic assembly as the Nissan Quest) and it continues to putter along with pretty much only routine maintenance.
We bought a 2005 T&C this summer. We wanted a Honda or Toyota, but they are a little too expensive. They say it’s worth the money in the long run, if you can afford the upfront cost. They last a long time.
The T&C was $10,400 with 40,000 miles. Similar Honda or Toyota vans were around $15,000.
We’re happy with the T&C. It is a big upgrade from our 95 Caravan.