Tell Me Where To Go...

I bet many of you would sure like to tell me where to go, so now’s your chance! :wink: I am looking for a romantic weekend getaway in the WV-MD-PA mountains. I know MD rather well, and I am looking to see something new…being more into scenery and going off the beaten path wandering through small towns than chasing golf balls, wine tasting, ans such. Where would you recommend?

BTW, is anyone familiar with Helvetia, WV is worth the trip? Supposedly, it is a small town settled by the Swiss and retains its Swiss charm today with a population of around 60. It is near Elkins, WV. Does this have potential?

I think I’ve been through there. When looking it up on Google I remember the house they show. I don’t think there’s anything there at all.

You might want to check out Green Bank, WV, with the telescope. Near there is also Seneca Rocks which has some nice hiking. Romney is ok, but there’s a nice ice cream shop in Fort Ashby, WV. And just north of there is Green Spring with a one lane bridge to Maryland.

The Seneca Rocks area has a few touristy caverns, too.

Gettysburg has loads of quaint old inns and B&Bs and plenty of interesting wandering opportunities.

+1 for Gettysburg. I could spend at least a week just in the immediate area exploring. But it’s also a great central base location – there’s lots of stuff to see within an hour’s drive in any direction.

Go to Hell! (Oh wait, that’s in Grand Cayman.)

North central PA - Jim Thorpe or Pine Creek (Grand Canyon of PA)

Ricketts Glen Park/Dallas PA area is nice and not very touristy. As for romantic, I would have to know more details ----- and I’m not sure I want to know more details. We like seriously small towns where its basically just time with ourselves but not everyone is like that.