Tell us an interesting random fact you stumbled across

Monday, August 11
Morning: The day starts out with cloud and overcast, but no rain, and it is quite windy. Dan and Sue start their climb of what is known as the Koroc Ridge. They have a single daypack, some water, food, GPS, camera, and climbing gear. Dan carries the pack, and sue has the climbing rope tied around her back. They leave behind most of their backpacking gear and the satellite phone.

What were they thinking?

One of them was my cousins off of her ~15 year old Honda. It’s crazy.

It used to be that certain models, like the Honda Element, were targets because they had more of the valuable metals, e.g. platinum. I think the price of the metals has hit a point now where any and all are desired, however.

The big one now: Prius. Here’s one taken in less than 2 minutes.

For a second I thought you were referring to an all-electric car such as a Tesla. I’ve not yet had enough coffee this morning.

Karate originally translated to “Chinese hand”, but in the 1930s, Japan changed it to “open hand” - different Kanji, but the two phrases are homophones.

So have some American cheese on your freedom fries before you go to karate class

The word helicopter is a combination of two words - but not heli and copter; rather it’s a combination of helico (twisting, as in helix) and pter (wing).

Quoth Mr. Miyagi:

I’m not sure this is so much stumbled across as had it slammed (gently) in my face because of people I follow on Twitter.

Did you know … that wombats can crush the skull of a predator by catching the predator’s head between its butt and the roof of a tunnel it’s in?

[Link is to a comic. It is SFW.]

American policemen are five times more likely to kill themselves than to be killed by homicide.

This article from the BBC has many interesting tidbits.

That is truly awesome

It’s fairly well known that Fred MacMurray had an arrangement with producer Don Fedderson that he could film all his ‘My Three Sons’ scenes for the season in a two block period.

What I didn’t know was that Brian Keith had the same arrangement with Fedderson for ‘Family Affair’. Two months working on the program, and he was free for the rest of the year to do movies. I think MacMurray mainly played golf.

He also fished in northern Saskatchewan. My sister met him working as a cook in Wollaston Lake in the early seventies. She said he was a jerk.

Bernard Neal won 37 singles championships at Wimbledon between 1963 and 2002.

Remember that the club’s official name is the “All-England Lawn Tennis and Croquet Club”. This gentleman won the croquet events. There is still a croquet green at the northern end of the property - during major tennis events, it is divided into two and used for practice.

Here’s a pleasing bit of etymology.

I just posted in the Favourite non-English quotation thread over in IMHO. I went with Mais où sont les neiges d’antan? (But where are the snows of yesteryear?) - and while I know the quote, I don’t know the source, so I had to look it up.

The source is Ballade des dames du temps jadis, and the wiki page contains this little nugget.

Particularly famous is its interrogative refrain, Mais où sont les neiges d’antan? This was translated into English by [Dante Gabriel] Rossetti as “Where are the snows of yesteryear?”, for which he coined the new word yester-year to translate Villon’s antan. The French word was used in its original sense of “last year”, although both antan and the English yesteryear have now taken on a wider meaning of “years gone by”.

My bold. So: not just a brilliant Pre-Raphaelite painter, huh?


I thought it was a hot water bottle.

We had a major heat related injury in the ER yesterday. Later, while reviewing current treatment online, I randomly stumbled on the fact that there is an Eastern European mythology of the Noonwraith, Lady Midday, a demon that smites people on hot summer days.

Lady Midday - Wikipedia

Today I learned that until penicillin became common, they used to treat late-stage syphilis with malaria. Someone with syphilis would be injected with the malaria virus to raise the body temperature enough to kill off the syphilis bacteria, while the malaria was controlled by doses of quinine.

In 1896, William Crush arranged to have two unmanned train engines run into each other. 40,000 people came to watch - more than the population of the second largest city in Texas at the time.

When the two trains collided, the boilers exploded sending debris into the crowd, killing two, and injuring more.

Dangerous, but wouldn’t that have been a sight to see

Hmm. A flock of boat-tailed grackles recently encroached on my back yard, I’ll have to check that out.


A few years later they announced that they were going to do the same thing at a place called Point of Pines in Revere, Massachusetts. The day it was to happen, they realized almost too late that there wasn’t room enough for the crowd to safely (?) watch the proceedings, so they called it off.

People were outraged, and rioted. There were lots of injuries. It might have been safer to simply hold the train collision.