Tell us an interesting random fact you stumbled across

Somehow it never occurred to me that the blind might be interested in athletic competition. Some quick Googling led me learn all sorts of things about blind sports. There’s blind soccer, blind basketball, blind hockey, blind golf, blind tennis, even blind baseball.

In case the posts didn’t make it clear (I’m not sure of your nationality, gender, interest in sports, etc., so forgive if you already got it)…

The baseball team known as the A’s (short for “Athletics”) started in Philadelphia, moved to Kansas City, ended up in Oakland. Mark_Finn is making a joke about supporting the Athletics…an athletic supporter is also the term for a jock strap.

Daniel Kish rides his bike etc. using echolocation. Pretty cool! Video

My contribution…I saw this really interesting doc about the MSC Seaside, a cruise ship. It can carry about 6500 people. They can go through 20,000 eggs per day. What happens when substandard pineapple arrives for the voyage? Worth a watch if you have time.

I just saw a picture of a male elephant fellating itself, and I cannot unsee it.

TIL that Houdini flexed on Harry Blackstone Sr.

“Blackstone recalls his own performance of the box trick, at which he reminds Casey was himself present, that “ante-dated any box trick our dear Jewish friend ever attempted, other than what was generally termed ‘The Hindoo Box Mystery’, which was a purchasable commodity and in general use… In fact, it was not unusual to see an occasional one at a street carnival”. He comments that Houdini, “this chosen son of the great Patriarch, seems to be hankering for the limelight constantly, and not satisfied with being the ‘Handcuff King’, a motion picture idol, and a sometime headliner, will still stoop to the old time worn stunt of his kind to cry ‘Thief’, when he never had an original trick in his whole career…”

Yes, “Jewish” is gratuitous there, but I’m not seeing a strong streak of antisemitism in Blackstone’s counterattack. My family remembers him as a kind and generous man, and my grandmother was one of his assistants when he saved a theater full of kids from fire

With all the divisions locked up, the Arizona Diamondbacks are 56 games back.

That ought not to even be possible.

There’s a spectator’s competition on the German TV channel ARD’s sports program “Die Sportschau”, “Tor des Monats”, “Goal of the month”, where every month the TV audience votes for the best football (soccer) goal from a selection of five goals from the last month. This has been going on for over 50 years, and all the greatest and most famous footballers in history have won it some time. In August 2018, blind footballer Serdal Celebi from FC St. Pauli won with this goal:

So if they win every day for the next eight weeks, and SF loses every day past Thanksgiving, they’re in a dead heat. There’s a chance!

FRAUD! Demand a recount! Where are the Cyberninjas?

Mick Jagger has a great grandchild who is older than one of his children.

Thanks, but i was talking about all the baseball talk !
(nationality UK, gender M, interest in sports ~0 !)

I saw that movie (on the Wonderful World of Disney)

There’s a South American tree with fruits that, after they dry out, explode and launch the seeds within at up to 150 mph for up to 60 feet. It is covered in spikes, its fruit is poisonous, and the sap apparently causes rashes.

There’s also a type of grass with exploding seeds. They don’t explode with the same ferocity as the sandbox tree and they’re not poisonous, but interesting, none the less

There’s a fly that lays its egg in an ant’s head. The maggot, develops, controls the ant’s behavior, eats the brain etc.

In only a few days the egg grows considerably inside the ant before hatching. The resulting maggot works its way through the ant into its head, where it will live for several weeks on the host’s bodily fluids, while maybe from time to time sarcastically asking what the ant is thinking about.

Projectiles in biology are rare, and very interesting indeed!


Reuben Klamer, who invented the modern version of the Game of Life, also made props for TV shows. He designed and built the “phaser rifle” for Star Trek.

Interesting. Following a few Wikipedia links, I now know that the Transformer character Megatron was based on a toy version of the gun Napoleon Solo used on “The Man From U.N.C.L.E.”

Liquid smoke is, literally, smoke from a fire that has been captured using condensation.

The U.S. Navy owns a 50,000 acre white oak forest in Indiana. It is called Constitution Grove. The wood from the trees is used to replace rotting planks on the USS Constitution.