Terrorist Attack on a Nuclear Power Plant

Howdy Folks. What would the effects of a terrorist attack on a nuclear power plant be? Presuming it was a similar attack to the recent NYC/DC tragedys, would there be a nuclear reaction which would devestate the surrounding area?

My inital though is that while it would be a horendous act, there would be no specific nuclear ramifications, but since I don’t really know, I figured I’d ask. I would really appreciate hearing from somebody who might have some insight for me.

1,000 pardons for the terrible spelling in my original question. Let’s try again:

Howdy Folks. What would the effects of a terrorist attack on a nuclear power plant be? Presuming it was a similar attack to the recent NYC/DC tragedies, would there be a nuclear reaction which would devastate the surrounding area?

My initial though is that while it would be a horrendous act, there would be no specific nuclear ramifications, but since I don’t really know, I figured I’d ask. I would really appreciate hearing from somebody who might have some insight for me.

Your initial thought is correct. It would not be possible to turn a nuclear power plant into a nuclear bomb.

The damage caused by a nuclear accident depends on the amount of radioactive material that is liberated from the core, and how it is distributed in the ecosphere. Neither releasing a large amount of radioactivity, nor distributing it widely, would be possible using any kind of terrorist attack I can think of, short of hitting it with a nuclear weapon. A higher toll of death and injury can be achieved much more easily by bombing poorly-defended populated areas.

However, a higher fear-factor could be achieved by hitting a power station, so such action may be desirable from a terrorist’s point of view.

Is this true even if you assume an inside job? For example, if terrorists infiltrate the system by getting several key jobs at a plant, then one day blowing away other key people, allowing them free reign inside?


Well, if it was exactly like the WTC and Pentagon attacks, it would presumably involve slamming a plane into the containment dome. While I don’t have any specific cites available to back this up, everything I’ve read about power plant attacks says that the containment dome is designed to withstand the impact of a fully loaded Boeing 747. I think the plant could be safely shut down without disaster, even if someone DID slam a plane into it.

-Psi Cop