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Houston, we have lift off!

Now, do it in Spanish!

(or whatever language you desire…)

Gunter glieben glauchen globen

Gunter’s globen glieben glauchen??

Poor Gunter. I’m so sorry to hear that.

No worries. Gunter’s an asshole anyway.

He shoulda said “Dallas, we have lift-off!”


Which is a bit ironic, since a little web searching shows an Austin location.

Guess we won’t be hearing any more tests from the OP.

The OP got his glieben glauchen globened too??

Mein Gott! How awful.

Looks like the OP failed to achieve orbit, and was self-destructed by the launch safety officer. Too bad.

Failure to Launch? Sounds like a great phrase for a movie title. :wink:

I just want to say I really enjoyed the OP in Northern Exposure.

And I see he’s been banned. Must have failed the test.