Testing CiteBite - a nice little citing tool

CiteBite allows you to enter a quote from a page and the URL of the page and it will generate a URL that takes you to the page but down to the text you quoted and with it highlighted.


Cite = http://pages.citebite.com/r8p1d6x7qjuj


It doesn’t seem to work with the SDMB - it works on Cecil’s columns (Cite) and on the Giraffe Boards (Cite), but for the board itself it just says “Error: The quote you entered was not found at the URL you specified. Please check your quote in the frame below and try again.”

Perhaps it’s because I’m logged in here?


Works for me when I click on the link.

ETA: Forgot to say: cool utility.

Unless I’m misunderstanding you, it seems to work for me:


Clicking the link worked for me. Very cool!

PlainJane’s link works fine…

Huh? Now it’s working fine for me (Cite)

Does anyone else but me avoid URL shorteners like the plague? If they’re coming from a highly trusted source–one that I know personally and I’m aware of where the link leads to–they’re great. Other than that, I’m too paranoid to click a blind link.

I use them in my personal life. I use my Playbook to display recipes when I’m cooking, but I usually search for the recipe on my net book. Instead of retyping the URL, I use a URL shortener to make it easy. A friend of mine actually runs one as a side business, so I know I can trust it.

As for clicking on other people’s URLs…rarely. Some services let you expand it to see what it points to. If I care enough, I do that first.

Huh - I didn’t think of it as a URL shortener, although I suppose it is that too…