Testing Stuff I THINK I've Learned...

…from the “vB Codes Explained” link:

Am I doing the correctly?

What about this?

Do I get an A?
[li]I love summer vacation.[/li][li]I mean, I really love summer vacation![/li][li]I just wish it were a bit longer!!![/li][/ul]

[li]I love the sunshine.[/li][li]I love the warmth.[/li][li]I love creating my own schedule.[/li][li]I love baseball.[/li][li]I love redundancy.[/li][/list=A]

Hmmmm… now, why wasn’t I able to go back and edit my typo? I thought that was an option. It’s not?

Nope . No editing .IIRC the Admin. feel it would open the door to people changing their posts so as to make the replies(?) seem stupid or wrong .

Thank you. When I read, “Messages can be edited by their author” at the bottom, I interpreted it as, “Messages can be edited by their author.” Silly me. I really should read more carefully. ;o)

There used to be a NOT there. That must’ve gotten changed when the upgrade was done and no one noticed it until now.

that I’ll test some stuff :o too B4 [ul] *people *make *fun *of *me.[/ul] see here for details.
:d :slight_smile:

testing sigs

24 hour hero

24 hour hero

24 hour hero

[sub]24 hour hero[/sub]



Ooo, that was fun!