
PPP’s poll from yesterday shows Obama to be 7 percentage points behind Romney in Texas, 43-50.

Might it be worth making the Republican donors waste a couple hundred mil trying to keep Dallas and Houston red?

Texas hasn’t been actively contested in a national race for over 20 years. The Democrats here haven’t won a statewide race since 1994. I don’t see Democratic campaign signs or ads for rallies down here.

Would a more active Democratic party organization here have a disproportionate effect to its cost? It might be very cheap to pick up the next 3-4 percent just on downtown/downstate voter registration drives.

My parents had their car vandalized once for having a Pro-dem (I think it was gore) bumper sticker. in the church parking lot.

Most of the people I’m friends with here in Fort Worth prefer Obama. they also are so used to their vote not mattering at all that they don’t bother to vote.

Change is coming to Texas, albeit with agonizing slowness, a glacier stampede. As a recovering Texan, lefties who persist and endure there have my utmost admiration and support, from waaay up here in Minnesota.

The top of the ticket is irrelevant in Texas. Yeah, it’s possible that Obama could take Texas, but only in an extreme case where he wins in a landslide even without Texas. Where the Democratic Party should be focusing in Texas is the House races. Some of those really will be contested, and they’d be able to take advantage of those pockets of blue in the state’s geography.

Are there still a fair number of New Orleans evacuees living in Houston? I wonder if that could have an effect on races in that area?

A state that can elect and re-elect Rick Perry is probably not ready to move into the 21st century, but I suppose where’s there’s life there’s hope.