Okay. Somebody needs to get this guy some help
I just heard about this person for the first time two days ago? Can someone give me a thumbnail sketch? His stuff sounds way beyond wierd.
This guy rocks! He’s managed to take a national tragedy, perpetrated by the fringe of Islam, and turn it into an Israeli plot, combining Chandra Levy.
Not only that, but he craftfully uses Anecdotal stories, Urban Legends and outlandish lies about it all to make it work.
A little anti-semitism going on here? Hmmm…
Is this guy a Jew-hating Christian? or even worse, just some weirdo?
Texe Marrs, American Hero.
He came to light back in the mid 70’s or 80’s with the advent of the New Age Movement. Along with Contance Cumbey (who wrote The Hidden Dangers of the Rainbow) he was one of the Fundies at the forefront of the “New Age Movement is a Satantic Conspiracy” school of thought which actually got a lot of play in conservative Christian circles (and still does.) Went on from there to pretty much denounce anything that wasn’t strict biblical fundamentalism and never met a conspiracy he didn’t like. He stands on the whole Illuminati / Bilderbergers / CFR conpiracy and gives it a lot of credence. Even made quite a few up on the way, including the idea that the reason Clinton was elected was so Hillary could get her lesbian friends into positions of power in the government.
You should check out a few issues of his monthly newsletter Flashpoint. (It’s free!) This guy makes Rush Limbaugh almost sound liberal.
Acutally, I’d describe him as “What happens when Jack Chick takes acid?”