Textures that you find unappealing

Another vote for microfibre. Just ghastly stuff.

Another vote for microfiber. I have some of those reusable dust cloths that are made of it, and the fiber itself is bad enough. When they’re full of dust they’re doubly gross.

Also raw chicken. Yech.

I have the same problem with pineapple that WOOKINPANUB has with pears, except I don’t like the flavor of pineapple either, so it’s been years since I’ve had any.

[Bob Dylan voice] Hey Mr. Nectarine Man, eat a slice for me… :slight_smile:

Ugh I hated those, and have avoided them for years.


Wet vagina

Styrofoam freaks me out, gives me goosebumps. It’s like nails on a chalkboard to me. There’s waxy coated cups that are more tolerable, but there’s a dry type they use in packaging often that I leave the room for while my wife unboxes a thing.

Raspberries are gritty and furry and disgusting. I’m sure I can come up with many more.

I agree on low quality microfiber that sticks to your skin. Higher quality towels are what we use in our cleaning business and they are fine but cheapies catch.

I dislike coconut. Specifically, I find both the taste AND the texture of coconut to be unappealing. Like, even if it tasted like a perfectly salted caramel with a chocolate center, if it had the texture of coconut, I’d spit it out.

Celery is another food that I find both the taste and the texture to be off-putting.

The first thing that came to mind was yogurt, particularly runny yogurt. It reminds me of ejaculate, which IMHO, is also a rather icky texture. Sorry guys.

Mod Hat On

No. We’re not going to do this.

ETA: To clarify, a discussion of body fluids (of all types) is fine, but let’s not make it seem too sexually gratuitous. The post below seemed to walk up to that line, being void of any other context than just mentioning something sexual.

Same on popsicles/ice cream bars. Even if I eat around the stick, I can still smell it, which is almost as bad. <shudder>

I also hate microfiber, and that nylon-y stuff that “whistles” when you touch it.

Mushrooms, avocado and raw tomato are nasty too.

Add me to this list. And I have posted about it several times.

My hatred to wooden ice cream spoons is so intense that if someone else is using one, I have to get them a plastic spoon or leave the room. Just imagining what it feels like makes me gag.

Should I have explained in more detail in my first post?

Mushrooms and tofu.

That spongy texture is…UGH

Geranium leaves. Keep them away from me.

Cotton balls. Ewwwwww! Food wise, I hate the texture of beans, such as kidney and especially black. Oddly, I like lima beans.

Same here!

A few of mine:

Eggs, unless they’re hard boiled. Rubbery and gooky looking. It must be a combination of texture, sight and taste because, oddly enough, I LOVE raw clams.

The feeling of wet paper.

Dry, dusty dirt on my hands, especially when handling other dry dirty things. I can’t stand it! If my hands are more of the greasy/grimy ( like from working an a car/engine ) I don’t mind nearly as much. In fact, if I could wipe my hands off with a dry shop rag, I’m good to go until I can properly wash them…all in good time. With dry/dusty type dirt, I’d dip my hands into water, any water, even a muddy puddle, to get rid of that feeling.

I’m going to go meta here.

Sometimes when I clean my hands with certain cleaners (and getting bleach on them is the easiest way to do this), my fingers feel wrong touching anything, especially themselves.

So the texture of overly cleaned fingers.

Years ago wooden popsicle sticks seemed to be headed toward extinction - there was a newfangled plastic replacement that seemed as though it would become permanent. I was happy with that sea change.

I don’t eat many popsicle-type treats these days, but I believe we are back to the wood; can anyone confirm?

Along with popsicle sticks and wooden ice cream “spoons”, I will add drinking milk out of a paper carton. ((shudder)) Thank goodness I haven’t had to do that since middle school.