Thanks for Nothin'! November Mini-Rants

Let’s kick off this thread with a good old fashioned Amazon rant. Why do I have to click through four goddamn menus just to see my transactions? The landing page for past orders requires two clicks just to see what price you paid for each item, but it certainly doesn’t group orders by the total dollar amount charged per order, why the fuck would it? No, if I have a mystery charge of $43.58 I have to go through a bunch of menus to that hidden transactions tab and then I have to click on the link to see what items fell under that charge.

Goddamn ridiculous.

Also, fuck whoever made the purchase confirmation page completely devoid of the amount you just paid.

It’s almost like they don’t want people to realize how much money they’re spending.

Hi, my name’s Briny Deep, and I use she, her, Mom pronouns.

Not really. But a woman at work does. Now, I’ll admit that I find the Pronoun Ritual a little overperformed – it’s done at every meeting; we start with names and pronouns, more or less mandatory; and if you don’t name your pronouns, you’ll look pretty conspicuously anti-trans.

But my opinion of the pronouns-part-of-the-meeting is irrelevant. Given it’s absolutely the norm, to say “my pronouns are she, her, Mom” is an act of heterosexist aggression. It’s just one shade away from “My pronouns are Christian, Patriot, and American.” We all perceive the intent of the kind of person who says those are his pronouns. It’s a “take-that” statement, and this woman’s repeated and rather showy performance of it has officially cheesed me off.

Trick or treat is thankfully over. Tons of people drive into my neighborhood to send their kids out (we have sidewalks and fairly dense housing). The cars end up driving around trying to find a parking spot. I handed out 300 pieces of candy.

You gotta love 30 y.o. parents with their own bags asking for candy. I really don’t get it.

I’m not sure I fully understand what she is trying to say with that, but “Mom” is not a pronoun.

The pronoun announcement thing during meetings is a bit odd to me, and I work at a progressive nonprofit. We have our pronouns in our email signatures which may be used externally. But during meetings, we all know each other already. And we have trans employees here who know they are supported.

I’ve been banned for 3 days from r/FUCKYOUINPARTICULAR. The reason given is shits & giggles.

Wow, they really practice what they preach.

They sure do, and I loved it. But I’m ranting nonetheless!

I take a commuter train into Boston. The trains generally seat 5 across - a bench seat that holds 3 people, the aisle, then a bench that holds 2.

Before Covid, the trains were full both directions every day, so it was completely understood that you couldn’t put your bag on a seat - you were going to share that seat with 1 or 2 other people. Nowadays, the trains are much less full. But they’re becoming more full as time goes on and more companies are requiring people to come into the office.

So to the people who spread out on a seat then act all put out when I ask you to move your stuff so I can sit down - go fuck yourselves. I’m entitled to a seat far more then you’re entitled to not have to sit on the same bench as anyone else.

Me, three weeks ago: Are you clear on everything you need to submit your portion of this report?

Her: I’ll figure it out!

Me: OK!

Three weeks later, she sends an email the day after deadline requesting the required information from our program directors “ASAP”!

What part of planning ahead do you not fucking understand? These are government grants for Christ sake. You don’t fuck around with them.

If you are that overworked, then delegate. Please.

Hey networks: Matthew Perry was not Elvis Presley or Michael Jackson! He wasn’t what I would call an A list celebrity. What’s with the endless stories on the news about his death? Sure he’s young and had issues and it’s sad but damn this level of coverage you’d think he was a whole lot bigger than he was.

Its nice when you meet someone, see each other an hour or 2 for five days, then you are with them 24/7 for two and a half weeks. Apparently, he likes me, I get called honey a lot, etc. Its relationship immersion. We’ve not bickered or gotten on each others nerves. Yet. He is divorced and apparently been alone for a while, and I’m figuring out he doesnt want to jump in right away til hes sure, but its freaking weird not having relations yet. Yes, I like validation, and hes not gay or lds, but damn.

What part of the body is the particular and does the activity require a cactus?

I just achieved a masterstroke in identity theft.

I got through all my healthcare provider’s tricks, tests and traps, faking it every step of the way, and ultimately succeeded in paying a total stranger’s monthly prescription plan bill.

They thought they could stop me, but brother, were they wrong!


You know you have agency over this, right?

Presuming he’s interested, you can be quite explicit (“do you want me to ** your **?).

My mini-rant?

Look, I realize that in my job I deal with a lot of unsavory people. And I frequently entertain plausible deniability for the sake of argument. But when you are noticeably pregnant, and have mentioned it twice, and then tell me that you need to step outside to “smoke a cigarette”, hell yes I’m going to give you a dirty look.

I’ve lost food stamps and Medicaid. I received a fun letter telling me I now make too much money to qualify. I still have to make some calls.

This means it would be a $60 copay every time I see my therapist. So, I need to find a new therapist. My psychiatrist is no longer covered at all. I need to find a new one.

Suntanlotion You’re both adults. This is America and the 21st century. You can make the first move. I suggest “I care for you deeply. I want us to express our feelings physically. Would you kindly put your wang in my hooha and shimmy shimmy until we both yeehaw?”

I’m just happy when their delivery truck doesn’t park totally across my driveway apron. This happened earlier while I was trimming my bushes. I asked the driver to move the truck as he was blocking my driveway. He said it was just a quick delivery.


He and his partner unload a flat screen TV, leave it at a neighbors, and then their truck pulls out as they go on their merry way. And for my trouble, they left a wadded up ball of plastic wrap garbage in front of my driveway. Aholes!

Not without laughing I cant. But I must bring up the subject. I know I look good, and hes said, look at that butt to me.

Couldn’t sleep last night. Head and neck ache.
Got up with tickly throat.
Dialysis this morning. COVID test.
Look, I’ve had so many vaccines I’m a pin cushion more than usual. I told them there’s no way I have any viruses.
COVID test was negative.

Got home an took a fitful nap.
I definitely have something. I’m sure my bio-weaponized grandkids brought me a bug.
Ivy says I have a slightly elevated temperature. Nothing to worry about, quityerbitchin’ look from her.

I’m just so happy. :face_with_diagonal_mouth:

Good luck @SuntanLotion

Love you Beck.
I am a total wuss.

That’s terrible. I was on Medicaid wayyy back in the day and they would always drop me without warning. It sounds like you’re doing all the right things. I wish this country did better by its citizens.