That VISA ad w/the super heroes

Who all is in there? OTTOMH I’m recalling Spider-Man, Captain America, Storm, Thor, Wolverine and Underdog. There’s a woman in green, looks like she has a ponytail and a cape; no idea who that is.

You’ve named the main characters (all Marvel except for Underdog). I think that the other characters were just “fill-ins” who stood around in the back.

All I know is is that I’d like to stab Spidey in the throat every time I hear “and you won’t be held responsible for fraudulent charges.”

[Comic Book Guy] So tell me WHY does Captain America come burrowing out of the ground? Does he have some new tunneling power I was not aware of? Could it be a Skrull with the powers of the Mole Man, disguised as Captain America? [/Comic Book Guy]

No Love for Underdog?

Where’s da Love for Underdog, man?!?!

Once again Bosda has mystified me.

Hey, Sweet Polly Purebred was hot!

(Obligatory “doggy-style” joke here.) :smiley:

Oh, pshaw!
You make too much fuss over such a small accomplishment.
Taint hard to do.
:wink: :smiley:


I think that Nova and the Silver Surfer can be glimpsed in the background as well.

…There’s a black guy with an afro and gauntlets in the back… Maybe he’s supposed to be Luke Cage… 70s version… without a shirt… and a much bigger hairdo… and umm… wrong pants… Maybe it’s Black Goliath… without a shirt… etc. etc.

“That’s SuperVolt!”

That was Black Vulcan who referred to himself as SuperVolt.

I cringe every time I see Cap make that ugly-ass grimace.

[sinbad on snl]

Dammit, I’m BLACK VULCAN, man! You don’t recognize me?

[/sinbad on snl]

I see this commercial and every time I wonder why Spider-Man sounds like Woody Allen.

I’d like to see you try. (Spider-sense, y’know.)

I don’t get why Underdog was late ariving. I mean if he has “Speed of Lighting” and the Blaze of Thunger…

I mean If Superman is Faster than a Speeding Locomotive…

…Then again, does this mean that “Shoeshine Boy” Takes Visa?

Because he’s trying to sound like Tobey Maguire.

Superman is faster than a speeding bullet. He’s more powerful than a locomotive. Also able to leap tall buildings in a single bound.