That was weird

You may not want to click this link if your IT guy is standing around.

I found this on google, enjoy

Isn’t there some sort of rule against posting crap like this?

Oh yeah, incase nobody knows about the site its a java applet that spawns 30 or so windows then closes them…

Close the window the link opens into to get rid of the applet.

Kind of like that “What’s Wrong With This Picture?” scream thing that invaded my bloody inbox from just about everyone who sens me email on a regular basis? :rolleyes:

  • s.e.

I’ve seen stuff like this here before, I thought of it as amusing, sorry to get your dander up…sheesh!

No, no, things like that don’t bug me. I just recall reading a rule against posting stuff like that, that’s all.

From ATMB:

Close enough, I suppose.

I hadn’t seen that new rule, I don’t spend anytime in ATMB. My apologies if anyone was annoyed. I’ve sent a note to some of the Mods to lock or remove it.


I expect people to periodically check ATMB once in a while to read the latest FAQ. I would suggest that you always start your visit to the SDMB with a quick look at the ATMB forum. Ignorance of the law is no excuse.

In this case the infraction is not that great, but we do ask that you contact a staff member first when you post one of those “annoying” links because we get complaints about them.

I will now close this thread.