That's right. It's SATAN who made you see those beautiful girls in the Jeep Wrangler.

Holy dogshit.

Here’s a Facebook note from a friend of mine. Well, I haven’t spoken to him in a long time, and I don’t know him all that well, but he’s “friends” with me on Facebook. He really is a good, creative, interesting guy. But lately he’s fallen hard for some kind of Christian kick.

This is what he wrote:

Here is my response.

No answer from him as to whether or not he thinks my advice is valuable. But beneath my comment, is another one, from a female friend of his:

That’s right. Flee from dating women because you had some bad experiences in the past, and then blame it all on SATAN! It’s beautiful out, there are beautiful girls driving around in Wranglers with the top down, and the heady summer smell of blooming trees and romantic excitement is just starting to fill the air - but no, for Christ’s sake don’t even think about maybe trying to go out there and, you know, have some experiences with women. Just wallow in your own self-pity and blame it all on the Devil.

I might expect this attitude from some neurotic little dork, but this guy is a big, hearty, jolly, all-around good natured and appealing guy. There is NOTHING stopping him from success with women except his own self-defeating attitude. The last thing on earth he needs is some mindless girl who actually believes in “Satan” to encourage his ideology.

Of course it was Satan: hence the Colts decal.

I wish more satan chicks would drive through my neighborhood.

And while we’re at it. could you send some nice warm spring-like weather my way? It will cause the beautiful women to remove at least the hoods of their parkas.

If Satan’s responsible for all the beautiful girls I see, Satan totally rocks.

This really jumped out at me-


Um, this dude has some issues

Since they were probably lesbians, he doesn’t need to worry. They have no use for his accessories.

Yeah, I think EJsGirl is right on. This guy sounds like he has more issues than the National Enquirer. I think the world’s population of single girls should give a collective sigh of relief that he’s now found shelter with the Lord instead of them. < shudder >

Sounds like a psycho.

Some people have some awfully strange ideas about dating. They become their own worst enemies because they refuse to see reality.

Being abused by women because they wanted to hold his hand? The poor, abused, maltreated dumbass. It’s probably a good thing that he isn’t giving his DNA a future.

Praise Satan!

His mother used to through temper tantrums when he didn’t go along? :eek:

OK, I know it was just a run-on sentence, but I swear I read it that way first.

I’m pissed at Satan now. He never once, during my peak years of sexual attractiveness, came to me and asked me to do anything to try and tempt a worthy Christian boy.

Apparently I wasn’t up to Satan’s standards.

To Hell with him.

So to speak.

I hope this bloke doesn’t work for the Post Office.

I confess that there are some really heinous girls out there, but most of the guys in their twenties that I know who feel like this just want a girlfriend without doing anything with their girlfriend. So, they want someone who will bring them beer and watch them play X-Box, and let them touch her boobs now and then, but they don’t want to do anything their girlfriends want to do. There’s gotta be sacrifices running both ways, not just towards him.

So, the women he was dating wanted him to… hold hands? Why didn’t he call the police?

At least he’s speaking out so others can be spared the humiliation.

I think all he needs is a nice proper Southern Baptist girl. You know the kind - “I’m saving myself for marriage, although, I’ve done everything up to and including ball gags, but that was a one, well, several time relapse that Jesus now forgives me for” or “I’m a virgin but I give the best head.” That’ll learn him.

I know! I’m even an agnostic, so you think I’d be the perfect girl to lead a good Christian boy astray, what with my dithering.

Stupid Satan.

Some issues?

He needs to see a whole team of doctors. Or a team of cheerleaders having an orgy, no wait, that’s what I need.

It was this guy, wasn’t it? Now it all fits.