That's the last one of THOSE I'll ever buy!

I’m not anticipating anything interesting happening to my laundry baskets, so I could believe it if they lasted another fifty years.

We just bought a house after many years of living in an apartment. We like the space, and like the yard. I am 47 but can’t imagine needing anything better than this. Already told my wife that this may be our last and only house. Makes me feel old already…

I’m 65. I have a small, cheap refrigerator in the basement that we use for soft drinks, extra milk, and other stuff that doesn’t fit in the kitchen fridge. I bought it 42 years ago when I moved into my first rental house with a couple of buddies, and it is still going strong. It may well outlast me. The bigger, more expensive ones bought for the kitchen don’t even outlast our cats.

Listen you young whippersnapper, I’m a decade older than you and I may still be buying a new car at some point. :smiley: What I definitely will not be buying is another house. This is it. When I move it will likely be to a condo or something of that nature, which will be a major trauma because of the incredible amount of stuff I have here, some of which has tremendous sentimental value – like the venerable console radio that I used to listen to as a kid, the bottom panel of which bears scratches inflicted by the paws of my first dog.

There are probably many minor things that qualify as “last one” – the lawn mower, for instance, because it’s electric and to the extent I use it at all will probably last forever, but I mostly get kids or landscapers to do that stuff.

It’s easy to get depressed by the “last one” kind of thinking, but to take the example of the lawn mower, the first lawn mower I ever bought was a two-cycle Lawn Boy that I got after I bought my very first house about a thousand years ago, and it lasted more decades than I care to remember. The present lawn mower is only the second one I’ve ever bought! :slight_smile:

I bought a package of razor blades at Costco. I calculated they would last me four years. But the price per razor was a dollar less than at other stores. How can I resist?

Given, my health issues, I feared I would die and still have unused blades. What a waste!

I have three unused blades left. I may win this one.

Vehicles, like the OP. I’m in my sixties and my wife was getting a little annoyed at the time it was taking me to get the new pickup. I explained to her that I needed to get it right, as it’s probably the last one I’ll ever buy. I normally replace them every ten years, but in retirement the usage will drop, and I’ll probably hand it over to the kids as I go the nursing home. Ditto for the wife’s car that was replaced a few months ago. It has the mysterious runes* on it which mean “lasts many decades” so it’s unlikely we’ll ever replace it.

Interesting note: My wife still uses the waffle maker that was a wedding present at her mother’s wedding. It’s now 66 years old and still going strong.

  • Toyota


“1920s Style Death Ray,” meet “1950s Style Electric Waffle Maker.” :smiley:

I wonder which appliance would win in a fight.

Pretty much everything I buy (sans food and perishables) I think of as the last thing I’ll ever buy of that item. Alas, I think I am gonna die at any minute of any day. So, I carpe diem .

my brother told me of his faux pas saying “Wow! You’ll never have to paint it again!” referencing our dad’s chance of living another twenty years being slim at his age, as this was the shining feature of some fancy paint he’d painted the garden gate with. When my brother told me this story, I remembered, standing in the garden, admiring how lovely the newly painted gate was with my dad, him enthusing about this amazing paint and how it’d last twenty years, my response… was the same foot in mouth, probably verbatim, type of response. He didn’t look too impressed. He did do a lovely job on the gate and I reckon we all know that we’re gonna die, right?

I bought a new car in 1990. By 2007, it had about 60,000 km on it but was rusting out. So I bought another car new. It is still under 29,000 km. By the time it is 17 years old I will be 87 and probably ready to give up driving. So I think this is my last car.

My wife and I are moving to a condo next year (already bought, but it has a tenant until June 30) and lots of things I buy I think this is the last time.

Hey you old fart. This last move was such a pain in the ass, my wife and I agreed that we intend to move outta this place in boxes! :smiley:

Horse, probably. Although she was given to me. By the time she’s too old to ride, I’ll be too old to ride her.

At 68, I think this way all the time.

This past spring I had new siding and windows put on my shop. I will never have to do that again. My neighbor and I replaced the barn roof in 2011; it will need a new one in a few years, but that will be the last one I pay for.

My house was roofed in '03/'06 and is still in decent shape, but I will have to replace that ONCE more.

I have a 2017 truck. I usually keep them 5-6 years and trade in for a new one. So two – maybe three – more times I’ll have to haggle with car salesmen (something I hate) and that will be it.

My last TV lasted 22 years. I bought a new one in 2016. If this one lasts 22 years I’ll either be dead or senile.

It’s about the only bright side of getting old.

My dad’s saying for this was “This will take me on out”. He used it often on cars - bought his last new car at 90.

The last time I bought tampons, that’s exactly what I thought: “This may be the last box of these I ever buy.” And it appears I was right.

I’m reminded of my favourite quote from my Great-grandma, shortly before her death age 99. ‘Eee, if I’d known as I was goin’ to live this long, I’d’ve bought mesel’ a new pair o’ clogs.’

I’m still in the ‘probably only some of the cookware’ stage. I’m likely to be moving round a fair bit over the next few years, not necessarily even staying in this country, so there’s not much point in trying to invest in quality larger items.

You are never too old to ride. Queen Elizabeth II was photographed last week riding one of her Fell ponies, and she’s 92. My saddle is going strong at 30, and I figure it will outlast me.

I respect her nerve: at that age I would shy away from anything with “fell” in its name :wink:

I was so thrilled to not spend money on this any more. And then, I had to run out and buy some 10 years later. Turns out I had a pre-cancerous lesion that triggered the need. All taken care of now. Fingers crossed.

I’m 58. I don’t expect to replace my gardening tools or much of my furniture at this point. It’s fun to point out that I’ve had my toothbrush glass since I was six years old and it functions just fine. And yes, I do was it regularly.