That's the last one of THOSE I'll ever buy!

I installed a new wood/coal chimney in 1990, had it replaced a year ago, so it lasted 27 years. That’s it! At 68, no more new chimneys for me!

I got two litter-mate kittens in May 2005. They will be 14 in January and are in great health. If/when they’re gone and I get a new cat(s) they will surely outlive me.

Yes, that’s what I dread: that I’ll start bleeding again for a bad reason. Glad you’re okay.

I have found the lifespan claims for LED lamps to be exaggerated at times. I pretty well replaced the lamps in the house with LEDs in the span of about two months about three years ago. A dismaying number have had to be replaced since then, one of them twice. In fairness, that one is in a constantly running fan light (in the laundry room) and so is subject to constant vibration. The others are on only typical hours and have no excuse.

An engineer geek on YouTube took apart a dollar store LED and gave it good design marks. At least then, I’m only out a buck and still get the kwh savings.

Last week I bought a six-year warranty car battery and wondered if it was the last one for that auto.

I have hard-to-fit feet (12-wide).

A couple years back, we were in New Jersey - and I visited Globe Shoes and went a bit crazy.

I do not anticipate EVER needing to purchase dressy shoes again.

We just bought a house today. At 56 and 54, respectively, I fully expect to leave this one feet first.

We’re the same age, and I expect to retire to a new house, possibly two different houses in separate parts of the US.

For me it’s probably telemark boots/bindings, I’ll use the ones I have for the next several years and won’t switch to NTN (new telemark standard). Of course, I’m still buying alpine touring boots/bindings are a depressingly regular pace.

I probably won’t get a new road bike, but I know I’ll be getting at least one new mountain bike. That could easily be my last bike purchase. Unless I get an e-bike at some point.

I see a few more cars in my future, we drive too much to count on any one car lasting that long. I expect to be driving for another 20-30 years.

My dad bought his last car at 90, and got all the options we could find on it. He figured, why not? He’s still driving it at 92, but I think he and my mom (87) will drop down to one car real soon and will end up driving a lot less now.

On a similar note, I sit out in my garage next to the woodstove and drink beer with my dogs. Every can I open, I think to myself, “Is this the one that finally kills me?”.

I’m using Craftsman tools from my dad and an old girlfriend’s dad. Don’t know what will ever become of them when the time comes. I’m trying to teach my kid to use them, but it ain’t a video game, so he’s not too interested.

Every fall when I buy my Season Pass at Heavenly, I wonder if it will be my last. So far, so good…

This one will be our retirement house. It ticked all the boxes for what we need/want now and what we will need in the future - like one level, no stairs to enter house, enough room for expanding number of grandkids to visit, secluded, mostly wooded land (all hardwood, no pines to clean up after). We really did try to think this one through as our final house.

I saw that photo! I also used to live near Julie Suhr, who finished the last of her 22 Tevis Cups at 76 – at 91 she rode in the Rose Bowl Parade representing the AERC on one of her Arabians. (for those out of the loop, the Tevis Cup is a 100 mile race over the Sierras done in one day)

When I am ninety-two my horse will be thirty-eight; I might need a new horse. But maybe not. My saddle will be fine though.

I’m 64. My wife and I were 33 and 44, respectively, when we bought our current house. Two decades later, we still expect it to be the last one we buy.

We had a new roof put on it early this year. That roof will outlast us.

My newish car, a 2016 Civic, is almost certainly the last stick shift car I’ll buy.

+1 to a car lasting my remaining lifetime. I nearing 60 and last year bought a loaded CRV with the expectation that it will be the last one I ever buy. I got a 10 year extended warranty and by the time it expires I’ll be pushing 70, hopefully retired and not needing to drive much with more stores (even groceries) offering home delivery. I had 10 year extended warranties on my last two trucks which lasted 11 & 14 years. They were both just over 100,000 miles and had lots of life left in them with some tune-up, but I hate having to deal with unexpected repair costs.

Things in the kitchen tend to be lifetime (possibly two or more lifetimes) purchases. Pots and pans, dishes and utensils are often passed down to younger generations. I’m still using a jar opener that’s older than I am and I if hadn’t moved (and decided to start life anew), I’d still be using the potato peeler that’s just as old.

I was actually looking at a horse (Good Golly Miss Molly) on DreamHorse last night. I’m 57. The reason given for the sale? “Molly is big, beautiful and ready to learn to dance with an experienced rider. Owner is old and not able to do her justice.”

I put a new metal roof on my farmhouse a year and a half ago. It’ll be the last roof I put on this house.


The “this is the last car I’ll buy” mindset is very popular with ladies at my workplace who are near retirement. Most of them pick a luxury brand loaded with options; some even shell out extra for a non-standard color (that is, not white or black). This came back to bite one lady though – she was involved in a wreck that totaled what was supposed to have been her last car, and now she’s stuck driving some blah crossover. :frowning:

Even though I’m only 36, I’m confident that I’ve purchased my last Windows PC. Having to deal with all the shenanigans surrounding Windows 10 has burned me out, and having to do a factory reset to correct a seemingly minor problem was the last straw.

Also, like others in this thread, I’ve inherited an impressive number of tools from my father and both grandfathers; most are Craftsman, and are still in very good condition. I might need to buy a drill at some point, if only for the convenience of a cordless model.