The 2016 Election Schadenfreude thread

I kind of figured whoever it was would likely only have a single term anyways… so… be glad for 2020?

HELLO Hello hello
So … I guess I’ll have this thread to myself now?

Alright, let’s get to the basking in the sorrows of Clinton supporters. “liberal tears” have been a bit of a joke among conservatives for a while now, but, turns out, they’re really a thing.

The videos here were rather well-done, with some touching music to make you feel like a proper evil conservative for laughing.

It’s also probably worth starting a move-to-Canada watch for all the loud-mouth celebrities that said they’d be moving on now.

ETA: but I think the girl left-of-center might be a stealth Trump supporter, with that smirk.

This might be the best thing ever” <– that’s the title of the tweet, not my description. Drama queens are only mildly entertaining.

Crush your enemies
See them driven before you
Hear the lamentations of their women

Ben Garrison cartoon

Here is a video of the comical DU hack

I actually signed into FaceBook for the first time in months, just for the laughs. It did not disappoint.

Here is a nice compilation of drama queens:

warning: turn down the volume for the first one, she's a screamer.

The agony and disappointment of Clinton supporters will be the foundation of many great memes. I’ve seen many images of teary snowflakes that will inspire creativity. To my liberal friends, you may be utterly depressed, but you may become famous also. So cheer up.

I take no joy in the sadness of liberals on the ground. I didn’t want Trump to be President either.

However, I do take great joy in Hillary Clinton being denied the office she felt entitled to and fully expected to win. I take great joy in the wasted money by all the banks and other wealthy folks who thought they were buying influence. I take great joy in President Obama’s disappointment, a man who said he would take it as a personal insult if his fans didn’t turn out for him. And then they didn’t. He leaves behind a party decimated since he took office. As much as I disagree with Democrats, they didn’t deserve for this to happen. But Obama himself, he earned having to turn over the keys to Donald Trump. I so wish I’d been in the room with him when he’d seen the results come in.

As someone who did not vote for Trump by far the best thing about the election is all the schadenfreude. My favorite so far is from the Ringer which gets bonus points for being a sports site. Hereis the whole thing.
Some of my favorite excerpts “This strong female body somehow held it together through North Carolina and Florida.” “I could feel the throb of millions of others sick with this whiplash, or much worse. I know that there are bodies that feel even more threatened than mine in their own homes and their own country, that there are places I can go but they can’t. As a white woman I will be ashamed for the rest of my life by that number: 53 percent…”
One must have a heart of stone to read that without laughing.

What he said.

People’s abject hatred of Hillary is, erm, interesting.

I’ve never hated Clinton, I actually dislike Obama a lot more. But I have always disliked her assumption that she should be President and it’s enjoyable to see her denied.

I must have missed this, but I just found out about Obama’s sick burn of Trump at the 2011 WH Correspondents dinner. One thing that used to annoy me to no end was Democrats linking to videos of the President or some comedy talk show host supposedly taking Republicans down. Well, if Obama got in a sick burn on Trump in 2011, how sick is Trump’s comeback that was five years in the making?

Sickest burn ever.

Oh, and the intro to the Stephen Colbert election special? MUCH funnier in the context of a Trump win.

Huma Abedin is apparently having a very bad week.

There are reports of Hillary Clinton sobbing uncontrollably on Election Night, but I have no way to verify or refute it.

Rev. Graham: God Intervened Nov. 8 to Stop ‘Atheistic, Progressive Agenda’ in America.

Whew! Well I guess that clears everything up.

Is this funny enough?

Cornell students hold ‘Cry In’ over Trump victory

I’m a (very) bleeding heart liberal myself but even I never thought Trump’s presidency is going to be as bad as some people seem to think.

People are overreacting. I have more sympathy for the minorities in fear of an increase of violent hate crimes, because it would suck not to feel safe in your town or your school. The media is also stoking those fears by pointing to black churches being burned, children being racially harassed at school, and other apparently politically motivated acts of hate. I say ‘stoking’ cuz I’m not sure statistically if there has been a significant increase in racially and sexually motivated attacks. But get real… if it was your ass on the line, that shit would scare you, and right now it feels like that hate is everywhere. My friends are scared. Whether it’s rational or not, the fear is real.

So I sympathize but I also question to what extent people are just assuming the worst to be true. I have no such fears personally because I’m a rather unremarkable white woman. I overreacted myself, but that’s nothing new.

Well, apparently every single black freshman at my Alma mater was targeted by an app (GroupMe) that scheduled them for Nigger Lynchings and sent by one who identified himself as Daddy Trump. Let’s see who laughs at those tears.

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I don’t really know what you’re talking about, but it sounds an awful lot like another one of those liberal hoaxes.

I wish to hell it was, but looks legit.