The 24 Types of Libertarian

Excellent cartoon by Barry Deutsch, from Too bad you can’t post images on vbulletin . . . but, it comes with a conveniently prepared script! :slight_smile:
[URL=“”]The cartoon.

hee hee hee :smiley:

Note to Mods: I’m not exactly Pitting Libertarians here, just twitting them . . . But there’s no GD-worthy debate here, and I figure if I post it in IMHO or MPSIMS, it’s gonna wind up in the Pit anyway before too long, so here it is. Move as you think fitting.

I think quoting the script is unnecessary. :stuck_out_tongue:

According to this comic I’m a stoner libertarian. Wouldn’t have it any other way.

OMG! I know this guy!

See if you can talk him into moving to Somalia. :wink:

Damn, this sounds awfully familiar. Something to do with Ron Paul, I suspect. :smiley:

Several of those are Republicans not Libertarians.

Oddly enough, the same criticism applies to many Libertarians.

Hmmm. My former co-worker called himself an Anarchist. He believed that we should all live in small villages with no form of government whatsoever, in which everyone would do what they wanted to do and barter for what they needed. His answers to my questions about what you would do with serial killers, burglars and famines were absolutely mind bogglingly naive and uninformed. Let’s not even get into the idea of how 6 billion people could all live in small villages - he insisted we had enough land on Earth to do it and support everyone.


I’ve encountered hippie-influenced neopagans who insisted we’ll have quite enough land – to sustain the surviving population after the inevitable coming ecodisasters.

“Anarchist,” BTW, is a name usually given to a Marxist-influenced leftist-collectivist tradition – like the too-communist-for-the-Communists Anarcho-Syndicalists who pulled off the Spanish Revolution during the Spanish Civil War, where the workers took control of the factories for real, and which ultimately was squashed – not by Franco; by the Soviet-dominated Republican government. (“Now we see the violence inherent in the system!”)

In any case, Anarchists and Libertarians are generally not on speaking terms.

What a wonderful site! Thank you very much for pointing it out to me.

It left out the Trenditarian: “I’m a Libertarian because Snoop Dogg and Matt Groening and Hugh Hefner and the guys who do South Park all say they’re Libertarians.”

And the Poli-Sci Libertarians: “I’m a Libertarian because it lets me claim I’m deeply involved in politics without having to deal with the realities of politics that would come with joining a political party that’s ever gotten anyone elected.”

And the Oppressed Libertarians: “I’m a Libertarian because I know that society is holding me back by forcing me to work a minimum wage job where I didn’t get that assistant manager position even though I’ve been there longer than Kevin or Mary or Frank. If society would just get off my back I’d be able to quit this lousy job and start my own country where I’d be the King.”

There are, I believe, a few who claim the mantle of anarcho-capitalism. Murray Rothbard is generally considered the forefather of this movement, although I don’t know if he used the term. Anarchists of the usual sort don’t have much regard for anarcho-capitalists. So I think in some instances the “not on speaking terms” label only really applies in ones direction.

Do you read any other boards? You can.

I am somewhat a libertarian and wish Ron Paul was the President. I have read a lot about Libertarian philospophy and agree with in 90%. Paul was the only one in the campaign of all the candidates that was truthful, stayed on message and defended his message. I would like to ask anyone, what could you possibly disagree with this man about? He wants to send the troops home, eliminate the IRS, work towards a real currency backed by gold, release unwanted government regulations, would of allowed legal medical marijuana for patients. The press hates him. His own party hates him, and has ran candidates against him in the primary and loses.

Libertarian small government people are mostly white. They split up into several subgroups, the hippies, redneck gun owners, intellectual small government types (like Bill Maher, Harry Browne and John Stossel) and “born again” religious type people scared of the “evil” government. Most of these conservative Christian small government types are in the “Tea Party” movement which will get nowhere because of all the infighting that would happen.

When you are in this Seinfeld-ian political philosphy of a political movement about nothing, and a bunch of people who want to be individuals and not join anything, it is hard to get any kind of cohesion. Most of these people are going to vote Republican anyway. They can’t vote for the one they really want, because they think that they will be “wasting their vote” and by voting for someone they do not support is a vote against someone they do not support less.

Basically Libertarians believe in liberty for the individual over the state’s control of the people. Now this comes into conflict sometimes on what constitutes harm towards others? For example, abortion. Some libertarians are pro-abortion saying it is the woman’s right over her body, while other libertarians argue that life begins at conception.

On prositution, the left libertarian would say that the person has the right to sell their body because the body belongs to them. The right libertarian would argue that prostitution does harm from VD and HIV. Then the marriages that would break up over this.

Marijuana-left libertarian does the same argument about my body is my own and what I do in my house is my business, while the right libertarian would say that smoking pot is dangerous, driving while high etc., it can lead to other drugs. Some libertarians want all drugs legal. Heroin, meth, cocaine, anything, legal and available.

Open immigration/closed immigration- Left Libs want open borders. Right libs want the borders sealed off and doing away with anchor babies.

LP is very pro gun and 2nd Amendment. I personally do not like guns and would like them illegalized or very controlled. Other free nations in the World like Canada. Britian, Australia, most nations in Europe do have sensible and very controlled firearms laws. The USA death tolls from guns is shocking and so unnecessary. This seperates me from most LP’s who believe that having a firearm actually protects them from a repressive government.

LP wants to send all American troops home. All of them, except ones required to guard the embassies. It is a waste of money that goes nowhere in the end. If there is a war, DECLARE the war and fight it to win and go home. Korea, Vietnam, Gulf War I and II plus all the soldiers who have been killed in between, in actions without a declaration of war?

LP wants to be rid of the Federal Reserve and the IRS. The IRS is the KGB of the United States. There are other ways to pay taxes without requiring a thug organization like the IRS threaten financial ruin against any citizen.

LP wants to make Social Security voluntary or abolish it altogether. I dislike Social Security because of the fact that the government gives me a number, and takes part of my wages, money I will not see until I am 65. A 1970 $1 is worth 17 cents today. So I am getting a fraction back of what I put into the system, money that could be used now for economic growth.

Some LP’s are anarchists and idiots. They believe that the airspace abouve their house belongs to them and the airlines willfully violate it. Some LP’s dislike Zip Codes. Others believe that if you want to build a hydrogen bomb in your garage while smoking meth, that’s okee dokee by them. Some do not get drivers licenses. Others just live off the grid altogether.

There’s a difference between being for broad civil liberties (libertarian); & being rabidly anti-government, anti-society, anti-community, & anti-state (the stereotypical “Libertarian”). Most Yanks are broadly libertarian, but “Libertarians” have ruined the term. Also they strike me as adolescent as I was an anarchist as an adolescent.

I used to tell these people to move to Somalia. This week I’ve decided that was a tired, useless response.

They can move to Equatorial Guinea.

Consider that more than half of those ideas are incredibly foolish, I’d say that there’s plenty about the man one could disagree with.

The general problem with libertarians is they get overly focused on just one problem. They figure that the government is the primary source of all kinds of problems and the solution is to abolish the government (or make it so weak that it’s ineffective). Their claim is that liberty throughout the land would be the result.

Must of us can see that’s ridiculous. There are hundreds of people and organizations that want to curtail individual liberty. And many of them are being kept in check by the government. For every liberty the government restricts, it protects a hundred others. Abolish the government and you’d end up with less liberty than you started with.

So if you want to maximize liberty in practice rather than in theory, you should support an effective government that is answerable to the people and has the power to protect their liberties.

A system where there are two main parties who can gerrymander districts to their favor is not answerable to the people.