The 2nd Presidental Debate October 7, 2008

Warren Buffet? Do you think he could do it?

Obama offered up Buffet, btw.

Yeah–I didn’t get that bit. Of course now I’m told I don’t trust Wall St. Or something…

Why do all politicians repeat the name of the person asking the question five times? “Good question Diogenes, and I’ll tell you Diogenes, when we’re talking about the things affecting people like Diogenes we need to concentrate on the win-win scenario. And another thing Diogenes…”

Who’ll mention a “po but honest regular folk” by name first do you suppose?

Not just the Treasury, Mr. Brokaw, but the Federal Reserve as been given expanded powers.

Damnit all. The response to this question should have been: Thank you for the follow up Tom. My top three picks, who would of course need to be vetted, would be: 1. 2. 3. Done.

Way toooooo long and nonesensical.

Way to slap their hands Tom.

I don’t know why he’d want to. Consultant, perhaps.

Tom hits 'em with the rolled up newspaper!

Speaking of bailouts, I don’t like Tom Brokaw’s glasses. He’s clearly just trying to look like Sarah Palin.

I don’t like this format already. I can tell every single question is gonna be a variation of “the economy sucks what are you gonna do about it”. Fair question of course, but they are gonna be repeating the same stuff the whole time.

Actually I think it is a brilliant choice. I give McCain a point for that one. He kind of trumped Obama on it.

We’re smearing Obama now for the mess on Wall St? WTF? mr deregulation?
Wow–he’s in another world.

I’m not watching the debate. Instead, I’m reading this thread, which is much more fun. :stuck_out_tongue:

Who hasn’t heard of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac?

How? Obama made clear that Buffet supports him.

McCain suspended his campaign so that he could make sure that the bailout has sufficient oversight???

Jeez, the explanation changes every day.

Ditto. And less annoying. I don’t have to hear McCain’s voice.

For love of country. Why else?

Holy fsm, McCain just punched Obama in the face!
(anything I can do to spice things up fer ya)

“I need to correct a little bit of what John McCain has said, not surprisingly…”

Oooh, burn.

“Not surprisingly.” Snap!