The 3 shells in Demolition Man

Does anyone know the meaning of the 3 shells in this movie? This question has plagued me for some time now.

Apparently they were some sort of substitute for toilet paper, which was banned in the future for being unsanitary. No mention was ever made on precisely how they were meant to be used, though.

Heh. He doesn’t know about the three shells. :stuck_out_tongue:

Rofl. That seems to be the appropriate answer to this thread, Nanoda :slight_smile:

I think we (the audience) are supposed to be left in the dark on this one to identify with how ‘out of place’ Stallone’s character felt.

I don’t suppose the writer had any particular use in mind.

Sort of like Castaway…there’s no real written evidence as to what’s in Chuck’s FedEx package (with the wings on it).

As others have said, we’re not supposed to know. However, my theory is that they could be just touch-controls for an automated bidet function.

Thank you for your input, but what the hell is rofl OPTIHUT?

Rolling On the Floor Laughing.

I always had an image of trying to scraaaape with the shells… then fling…