PLEASE do not inject political views, likes/dislikes, or snark into this thread. Please. Because I really want this to be about facts as the topic will soon be affecting many here and we need knowledge, not opinion. I don’t care if you’re pro or con on the Act, what I want to know here are the FACTS.
How, exactly, are the working poor/lower income hordes supposed to be for the insurance they’re being required to purchase? How do the subsidies work?
This is getting personal for me as I may be losing eligibility for my current state-subsidized insurance and my spouse MUST take his daily medication, which is far too expensive for us to purchase over-the-counter and still pay rent and buy food. The last time we were without insurance we purchased as much as we could, but his vision started to deteriorate. You see, a diabetic coma is a life-threatening emergency and you can get care for that no matter how poor/uninsured you are, but slowly going blind because you can’t afford the needed medication is just, oh well, sucks to be you. But I digress…
OK, so let’s look at a hypothetical working poor family. They make too little to afford insurance on their own and qualify for whatever sort of subsidy this new system allegedly has.
Does this family somehow have to cough up the full premium price every month, and then at the end of the year/tax time they get some sort of “credit” on their taxes/in their refund? Or does the subsidy come on a monthly basis so that each month the family pays their “share” and the government/whoever covers the rest of the subsidy so the monthly cost is effectively lowered for them?
I can’t see the “cough up the money and we’ll give you credit/subsidy later” working because the whole point is that these people can’t afford to pay all that. Then again, the government can be perverse in its workings. I haven’t heard what the actual mechanism for this system is, how it will work in the nitty gritty details for the citizens qualifying for a subsidy. My Googling seems only to give me broad overviews, puff pieces about how wonderful it will all be with no details, or scathing flame wars that cause my monitor to spontaneously combust. None of which is helpful.
Does anyone know?