The American Coup: 11.9.2020 -

Keep in mind that the left is about to take over the white House.

If by “the left” you mean a longtime centrist Democrat then, yeah.

The public has been primed for a fascist demagogue, and the imaginary world they live in will be perpetuated by hucksters and “news” outlets who profit from them. It will be an ongoing threat to the public safety and to the smooth functioning of the government.

Yes, they are priming the public for fascism - that is precisely what is happening now. The tipping point is going to be high numbers of unemployed or under-employed young men (especially but not limited to, young white men) under the age of 35. You look at radical unrest and that is often the trigger: young frustrated men who had hopes and dreams who have no prospects of getting sexed or married and who become enraged. That would be a right wing militarist’s dream, and our national nightmare.

“Former National Security Advisor Calls for Martial Law” is somehow not news [?!]. I see it in British papers but not the NY Times or Washington Post.

Half of my mind says that not printing that story is the responsible thing to do. It’s like printing the headline “Donald Trump now considering Mickey Mouse as running mate in '24; Mickey Mouse vows to transform America into benevolent cartoon dictatorship” It’s just gotten to be so off-the-walls bat-shit that it’s probably better not to give it a platform. At the same time, I fully 100% acknowledge that there is a strong counter-argument for printing that kind of story, just to remind people how far over the cliff the clown car has flown.

3 question treason test, currently being performed by the Washington Post:

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They should ask a fourth one: “Are you a fascist?”

For those interested, the Washington Post has a pretty readable article up about the process for Congress counting the electoral votes in their January 6 joint session, and why it’s all-but-impossible for Republicans to use it to overturn Biden’s win.

I’ll preview the results:

  1. Mitt Romney: “Joe Biden.” Everyone else: [deafening silence]
  2. Mitt Romney: “Oppose.” Susan Collins: “I am concerned.” Everyone else: [deafening silence]
  3. Mitt Romney: “Yes.” Everyone else: [deafening silence]

Impossible to overturn Biden’s win, yes, but it’s certainly possible to cause lingering antipathy over the outcome.

What’s happening in Georgia, for instance, seems like cause for celebration, but we should be horrified by these developments. Boycotting an election may end up giving Democrats the senate, but it will also fuel the sense of victimization and relative deprivation among the Trump faction.

When democracy itself is delegitimized, it creates the potential for legitimizing radical alternatives.

So Scott O’Grady, one of the trump toadies nominated for a senior Pentagon spot after trump’s Post-Election Pentagon Purge Party, is the latest to endorse the Michael Flynn / Ohio Tea Party- sponsored “declare martial law and have military preside over re-vote” insanity. He’s also pushed QAnon and a bunch of other CT BS.

This article mentioned he’s a former fighter pilot and his name clicked with me— ohhhh, he’s the guy who was shot down over Bosnia in '95 and used survival training skills while hiding behind enemy lines for over a week before he was rescued. I remember reading about it and being impressed with his story at the time. What a disappointment…another (minor) hero falls.

ISTM that “Losers get shot down; I don’t like losers” doesn’t have quite the sting it did 4 years ago.

Every single one of these military clowns that are joining the martial law chorus should be dishonorably discharged by Biden’s Secretary of Defense on January 20. There is no place for that kind of behavior in a democracy.

I don’t think any active military are jumping onto the martial law bandwagon. O’Grady is political appointee who will certainly be gone January 20 (assuming he is even confirmed by then).

Most of these folks are retired veterans; clearly any one on active duty is toast. That’s UCMJ treason.

It can’t be treason, surely, given the constitutional limitation of that charge. (“Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying War against them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort.”) It might be sedition or something along those lines?

I’m starting to think Trump might try it.

Yeah. I should’ve looked it up. Depending on who is doing what to whom it could be charged as mutiny, sedition, conspiracy, or aiding an enemy.

See here for the UCMJ roster of offenses.

… and, they failed.

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