The Bates Motel: Psycho Pre-Quel Series Starts Tonight On A&E

We watched half of it last night, worked on a rental all day today on our day off.
Perhaps we will finish tomorrow.

I wonder who will kill the girl friends.

Or that was just a lot of big talk so she wouldn’t bother trying to call them when he broke in later. :slight_smile:

I wonder how long it’ll be before someone pumps that lake he was dumped in and how many bodies will be at the bottom of it when they do.

This is an ok diversion til Longmire is back on but I’m just creeped out by what I know is bound to happen. If only Norman would listen to the girls telling him he’s cute instead of his mother telling him he’s her special boy. It’s gonna be like Moral Orel only less messed up.

I thought “half the cops in this town may or may not be my buddies” would make a good Trope but seems they’re not interested, citing the existance of Screw the Rules, I Have Connections*, Friend on the Force**, and Police are Useless***.

*connections which don’t necessarily exist.
**even though the character is not a detective.
***no, calling the police on this one guy is supposedly useless.

I’m really impressed with the back story that they’ve created for Bates Motel. That town and the people in it are even more creepy than Norma and Norman. There’s some rich story material here. They already used that book to uncover an old murder. We’re in for one heck of a season.

We saw the first hint that Norman is already dangerous. He would have killed his brother. That older brother was lucky he saw Norman swinging that metal thing. Otherwise they would be back out in the boat dumping another body in the lake. :smiley:

I assumeEmma wants to live life to the fullest? She doesn’t expect to live that long with her lung disease. She’ll have Norman in bed pretty soon. That’s assuming the poor boy can function. :wink: Impotency could be another factor in his Psycho personality.

Now we know where Norman learns taxidermy. I guess he’ll be spending a lot of time with Emma’s dad.

So far this show is surprising me. I didn’t expect it to be this well thought out.

Didn’t the deputy say that the dead rapist guy and the sheriff had been friends since they were kids or something like that?

Yes he did. The deputy also said the town gets its own revenge. Eye for an eye.

Norma is in deep trouble. These people will come after her if they suspect she killed rapist guy. They don’t need to prove it.

And see, I thought that maybe they’d just except Norma into the fold as one of their own. :wink:

Norma’s really a whackadoo, isn’t she? Thinking it’s perfectly normal to undress in front of her teenage son. Norman never had a chance at turning out okay.

It didn’t take them long to confirm Norman is already psycho. That scene with his brother on the sofa was disturbing. I’m pretty sure Norman genuinely had no memory of attacking his brother with a meat tenderizer only days earlier. Then it got really weird when he hallucinates that Norma is in his room demanding that he get the belt.

I’m disappointed that they went this direction so quickly. They’re boxing themselves into a corner with the story. If Norman is already crazy then where does the story go from here? Does he start torturing and killing people every week? They made it clear he’s fascinated with those bondage pictures in the manga book. That’s not the story I’m interested in seeing.

I’m beginning to think Emma will be an early victim. She knows too much and seems determined to tell the cops. That will probably result in an unfortunate malfunction of her oxygen equipment. It seems likely one of the townspeople will kill her before Norman works up the guts to do it.

That was pretty explicit… especially since they seem to be “silencing” some of the curse words. By that I mean the audio is blank when a curse word seems to have come out. I noticed that 3-4 times.

Did we ever find out who the hanging upside down from the yard arm in the middle of town burning guy was?

No, other than that he was involved in the drug trade and Blondie’s father was burned in retaliation.

I like this show - Vera is creepy, the town has secrets, etc. Otoh, I wish that Norman wasn’t having episodes and that the idea was that he was driven to madness by mom and the town.

My prediction is that CF girl will be killed by Norman’s brother when she goes back to investigate the shed. I must say, however, that she runs quite nicely for a person with an oxygen machine. :wink:

One unanswerable question: Did the house ever have paint?

I was thinking last night - “Well, Norman has hooked up (or is hooking up) with two girls, they’ve killed a person and dumped the body in a lake, they’re being investigated by the police, Norma has whored herself out with the cop to keep herself out of trouble, Norman has tried to kill his half-brother… but when are they going to do something with that lawn?”

I never remember the sheriff’s name so I just refer to him as Office Eyeliner.

I’ve been wracking my brain trying to figure out where I’ve seen Officer Cutie-Pie before. IMDB to the rescue! He was the young hotshot pilot on Pan-Am!

I wondered about the house, too. Give it a coat of paint! That will do wonders for the image of the Bates Motel.

Does the older brother have their same last name? He has a different father, so it would be reasonable to think that he’s not a Bates. If that’s the case, then he missed his chance when he referred to his mother & Norman as “Mr. and Mrs. Bates.” It should have been “Mrs. and Master Bates.” Hee hee!

Yeah, CF girl seems to be pretty agile for being so sick. She did have one coughing spell, but otherwise the oxygen tank seems to be a prop. She’s doomed. :slight_smile:

Dunno, but I’d kind of like to see both the house and the motel looking normal and well maintained by the season finale.

My mother & I were the only ones to attend my uncle’s wedding (he remarried less than a year after his wife died to a woman he met at a support group) and my new aunt, addressed a thank you card to us as “Mr & Mrs Alpha Boi”. I know she ment well, but it creeped me the fuck out. I also once had a waitress mistake my nephew for my son (understandble) and Mom (who’s 30 yrs older than me) as my wife. :eek:

I haven’t noticed silencing of swears at all. But I’ve been DVRing a late night replay, could be they only edit that way in prime time.

I noticed Norma isn’t wearing her older style dresses in this episode. There’s probably a reason. I first noticed the change when she visited Norman in the hospital. She had on a smart looking business pant suit. She wears dresses when visiting the horny deputy but they are modern. Not the older style like in the first couple episodes.

Norman got laid. Hooray! I wasn’t sure if he could get it up for anyone but Norma. Except of course Norma gets arrested while he’s gone. Thats another guilt trip for Norman. He’ll freak when he gets home.

They made a point of showing that Bradley lives in an expensive home. I suspect her parents won’t be too impressed with the Bates family. I wonder where Bradley’s jock boyfriend is? He’ll be thrilled to discover what Bradley and Norman are up to.

I was surprised Norma didn’t point out that the dead rapist could’ve had carpet fibers on him because he used to friggin live there and he seemed to to be a pig that never cleaned up and thus could easily have still had fibers on his ugly watch. Not that it would’ve stopped Sheriff Alpert from looking for the carpet, seeing as he’s already sure Norma killed the bastard.

I was expecting that too. That excuse also works for his belt; Norman can just claim he found it in the house. Hopefully her lawyer will point that out. Of course at this point she can only hurt herself by talking to the cops.