The beautiful and the ugly

How many stories (books, movies, tv, operas, etc.) are there, about a beautiful woman and a homely man? I can think of:

Beauty and the Beast
Cyrano de Bergerac
Phantom of the Opera
The Hunchback of Notre Dome

How many others are there? And are there any same-sex pairings?

Oh, and the only one I can think of that has a beautiful man and a homely woman is Sondheim’s Passion. Any others?

Depending on your definition of “homely man,” a bunch of recent sitcoms probably qualify: The King of Queens, Still Standing, Modern Family, According to Jim, etc.

Impromptu - I.e., the story of Fredric Chopin (Hugh Grant) and George Sand (a woman played by Judy Davis who dressed like a man)…?

Harold and Maude, kinda sorta.

Don’t forget about Shrek.

Bride of Frankenstein

Charlotte Bronte’s Jane Eyre, sort of.

Edward Scissorhands

Penelope, a movie starring Christina Ricci, is a kind of Beauty and the Beast story with the genders reversed.

There isn’t enough makeup to make Johnny Depp ugly.

Do they have to be together? Because they certainly weren’t in the Hunchback and such, especially non-Disneyfied. He loves her, in a creepy way, at least.

Living in Oblivion, although it’s unrequited, and Steve Buscemi has other qualities I guess. Speaking of Steve, Ghost World, although it’s more platonic. For that matter, Living in Oblivion was the first role of a certain someone in Game of Thrones. While Peter Dinklage isn’t bad to look at, Tyrion is frequently described as ugly.

My Funny Valentine. The Way We Were. …both Barbra Striesand?! (sp) But she is a beautiful woman, just not traditionally so.

Hello, Dolly. Walter Matthau and Babs.

In Mask, Eric Stoltz played a deformed boy who falls in love with a blind girl, who was played by the quite fetching Laura Dern.

In Mercedes Lackey’s Arrows of the Queen trilogy, there’s a strong love interest story between the beautiful main character, Talia, and a rather homely man named Dirk.

Then there’s Frodo & Sam…

Any romantic comedy starring Tom Hanks.

It’s also the love of an ugly creature for a beautiful, ageless ring.

The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly I presume is about the homely Tuco having an affair with Dagwood’s wife, right?


Who Framed Roger Rabbit?

I’m talking about Bob Hoskins and Joanna Cassidy, not Jessica & Roger, because rabbit.

Shallow Hal, kinda.

King Kong. “Twas beauty that killed the beast.”