The Bestselling Books of 2015

Publishers Weekly has published lists of the top 20 each bestselling fiction, nonfiction and juveniles in 2015 along with the number of copies printed:

Here are the fiction books:

I was surprised Harper Lee did so well (a million and a half copies for the Watchman book); I thought she was the kind of classic author people read in literature classes and nowhere else. The only books I have read are The Great Gatsby and Fahrenheit 451–and those were decades ago. I started on The Girl in the Spider’s Web, but stopped after a couple chapters.

In nonfiction the bestselling book was The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up by Marie Kondo–I am surprised a book dealing with clutter would do so well.

Old School (Diary of a Wimpy Kid #10) by Jeff Kinney was the bestselling juvenile. Dr. Seuss still had several entries in this list.

Anyone see anything they recommend on any of the lists?