The Big Bang Theory, Season 9, Episode 17 (February 25, 2016) -- "The Celebration Experimentation"

I thought she looked fantastic, but then comparative anatomy was never my strong suit.

I understood why he was there but Sheldon barely acknowledged his presence and he didn’t really do anything there. Whatever money the guys spent on the appearance fee was wasted. And the “salutes to Sheldon” were idiotic.

I’ve missed some episodes since I started watching regularly a few years ago. Wasn’t Kripke an antagonist of Sheldon’s? He’s always trying to screw Sheldon and Leonard over, when did he turn over a new leaf and become their friend?

And when did Sheldon stop hating Wil Wheaton? I remember Wil was friends with Penny due to the ape movie they were in and the podcast, but around the same time, didn’t Wil try to break up Leonard and Penny over some trivia game?

Some episodes? You’ve missed most episodes! At least lately.

Wil and Sheldon made nice after Wil gave him a signed Wesley Crusher action figure, mint in box. Which was promptly mangled by Brent Spiner, who replaced Wil on Sheldon’s Enemy List. Wil broke up Penny and Leonard seasons ago. The podcast was very recent.

Kripke and Sheldon “bonded” over Sheldon realizing that Kripke is smarted than he is, and at the same time Kripke thinking that the reason Sheldon was doing inferior work was the fact that he was sexing up Amy’s lady parts so much it was taxing his brain.

I thought she looked pretty fine, myself.

Sheldon’s indifference to Adam West last night is an example of the show being inconsistent. In an episode from several years ago, there was a bit of dialogue that went something like this …

*The four guys come back to S & L’s apartment after they’d been to a garage sale. They’re bearing a box of old toys and SF memorabilia that they’d just bought. One of the guys (I can’t remember who) pulls out a figurine/toy relating to the '60’s tv show Batman and exclaims

GUY: Look! It’s Adam West!

PENNY: Who’s Adam West?

SHELDON (scornfully): Who’s Adam West? Leonard, what do you two talk about after the coitus?

This is taken from my un-Sheldonian, non-eidetic memory so it’s not guaranteed to be 100% accurate, but the gist of the dialogue is that Sheldon admires Mr. West and is contemptuous of anyone unfamiliar with the actor.

You’d think, therefore, that he’d be feeling awe and delight at having West as a guest. The indifference that he displays in last night’s episode is out of keeping with what we know about Sheldon.

That’s from the Simpsons I think.

I assume that Sheldon’s lack of interest in West was a symptom of his extreme anxiety about the birthday party, but it would have been nice to see that conveyed more clearly.

Andy L, you’re right.

Speaking of his anxiety, we’ve seen how sociable Drunk Sheldon is. I wonder why Amy didn’t pour him a couple of stiff ones while they were waiting in Penny’s place for the party to start?

When Sheldon paused for breath before going to the party, I had a flash of dread that they were going to give him a heart attack or something equally melodramatic. We were spared that, but it would be kind of interesting if they made chronic anxiety a recurring issue for Sheldon to deal with; it would make him more relatable without compromising his character.

This is in spite of Leonard always going left.

You mean “gwey.”

As somebody who does not remotely care about my birthday and have no interest in even acknowledging it let alone having a party for it I can tell you that this really bothers some people to an amazing degree.

Presumably in your case, your family and friends know of your disinterest and don’t waste their time acknowledging your birthday.

They’ve overdone the bit with Leonard and his mother. It’s more cruel and sad than funny.

I agree. But it really does explain not only Leonard’s whiney and clingy behavior but also how he can stand living with Sheldon.

Worse, even. She’s a monster.

Speaking of Leonard’s mother, how did Sheldon go to her birthday party without anyone else knowing about it?

He does a lot of stuff therest of the crew are surprised to find out about. He’'s not stupid and if it suits him, he can do things just fine without the gang’s help.

I’m a big fan of the show and not normally very critical, but this epi seemed like a committee put it together.

And wasn’t Stan Lee supposed to be there? Did I snooze for a second and miss him?

He can do (some) things just fine without the gang’s help, but I think Leonard’s mother lives across the country. I think the gang would notice if Sheldon sent missing for a couple days. And celebrate.

Yes, I did think Sheldon’s lack of reaction to Adam West’s attendance was out of character. I wonder, was there someone the producers really wanted to get but wasn’t available? Maybe someone from ST:TOS would have been appropriate? George Takei was probably too busy with his play, Allegiance. Shatner, well, he’s pretty much uncomfortable with ST fandom. Walter Koenig? Anyway, missed opportunities.