The Bob and George Show

Am I the only one who misses this?

If I build it, they will come (hopefully).

Catapultam habeo. Nisi pecuniam omnem mihi dabisad capul tuum saxum
immane mittam.

I think in this case it should be, If you bare it, they will come.


Well, now you’re talking, Pun. Di? JPEGs pronto!

( * )( * )

Okay - now will you come?

Catapultam habeo. Nisi pecuniam omnem mihi dabisad capul tuum saxum
immane mittam.

Kitten? Did you know someone has branded two stars into your butt cheeks?

(What has RJ been up to, lately, anyway?)


Butt cheeks! Uummph! Those aren’t butt cheeks. . .

THESE are my butt cheeks. I had them branded especially for Bob.

( B )( B )

Catapultam habeo. Nisi pecuniam omnem mihi dabisad capul tuum saxum
immane mittam.

I, for one, wouldn’t mind seeing it…but I get the feeling that I would have to leave in order to get one of the two aforementioned parties to actually come here.

(If THAT doesn’t get them here, nothing will)


I’m trying to see things from your point of view, but I can’t get my head that far up my ass.

{{ ( * )( * )

Okay - now will you come? }} Kit-Di
Them jugs ain’t JPEGS!

Sorry Bob, that’s the best I can do. I couldn’t fit them in my scanner.

Catapultam habeo. Nisi pecuniam omnem mihi dabisad capul tuum saxum
immane mittam.

Hmm Kitten, you might try again, it would be good practice before your mammogram.


{{ Sorry Bob, that’s the best I can do. I couldn’t fit them in my scanner. }} Diane
YOU’RE sorry … :frowning:

That’s funny…
Mine fit in a cowboy hat.
As long as I dont inhale.

Dread Cowgirl Judy

OK, time for some immature ASCII to show you how it’s done :::flee:::

<FONT FACE=“Arial”>
Boobs: (oYo) ( o Y o )

Butt: (|)</FONT>

Carry on.

“Cluemobile? You’ve got a pickup…”
The Teeming Millions Homepage:

Aaawwww and I was looking forward to seeing something naked…

Cogito Ergo Vroom
I think therefore I ride fast…

Or if you bend over a little further: (!)

::tapping foot::

All right people, break it up! This here is the BBQ pit, and I’d better see some flames FAST! Or I’m closing this thread down too!

::waving Mighty Knife of Thread Cutting::

Lynn the Packrat

You want flames??

Lynn Bodoni, BBQ Pit Potentate, did wildly and dramatically gesture:
::waving Mighty Knife of Thread Cutting::

Oh! Do spare us! Magnificent wielder of this terrible sword of tribulation! (Does you mother know you’ve taken her butter knife, again? And glued sprinkles on it?).

Perhaps Little Ed didn’t make this clear when you were appointed BBQ Pit moderator, but your job is to respond, with dispatch, to our smallest needs and desires, not act like some ego-drunken demigod, thundering over the BBQ landscape. Make one false step and, well, think about pushing a boulder uphill for eternity, plus, imagine being simultaneously strapped to said boulder, while a large bird pecks at your liver, also for eternity. That’s what you’ll wish your fate was, once Unca Cece finds out how you’ve abused your delegated powers.

Go ahead, Make Our Day…

I wanted a pony. Meanwhile, Cecil combats ignorance.

Just wanted to let you know, it’s been nice knowing you, whitetho. And the fact that people have started running away as fast as they can means nothing. Really. Just…umm…stay right where you are, okay? ::joins the evacuation::

“The truth is out there - and it’s got bloody great teeth!”
-Pete Wisdom

{{All right people, break it up! This here is the BBQ pit, and I’d better see some flames FAST! Or I’m closing this thread down too! }} Lynn
Yo, fuck you, bit- …

Er, I mean, leaving, what a good idea.