"The Boer War" - need commercial id help

A very hazy (quite possibly inaccurate)snippet of an old tv commercial just burst into my tiny brain and it’s driving me batty.

This would have been in the mid to late 70s (I was in SoCal if that makes any difference. I think the commercial would have been national). The scene (in my mind) seems to be a posh party of some kind. There’s a lot of chatter among the guests but the only dialogue I can recall is a woman saying “the Boer War”. The guests may have then muttered “the Boer War” among themselves, almost as if in answer to a trivia question. I tried to think of what trivia or word games would have been around at the time but that doesn’t seem quite right. I’m also somehow picturing Bernard Fox (Dr. Bombay from Bewitched )being in it but that could completely be me just adding that part in.

Does this in any way ring a bell? The details “feel” right to me but could be off. The only thing I’m certain of is “The Boer War” part because that was the first time I ever hear that term and at the time I thought they were saying “boor or bore” , meaning the party was dull :o:p

So I put it to you, my smart cookies. What the heck was this commercial for???

So the only reason I think this may be related is it’s from a movie about the Boer War, it’s a dinner party, and at least 2 of the attendees look somewhat like Bernard Fox:

The movie came out in 1980, so maybe it was featured in a commercial for the movie?

I believe you’re thinking of this commercial.

Ding ding ding!!! The silly string part was jussssst in the peripheral of my memory but I couldn’t quite grasp it. Did you actually remember that commercial or is your Google fu simply superior to mine?

Wow, I was off. But I do have my grandfather’s medal (actually, just his rank insignia) from the Boer War, so maybe I’ll start wearing that to parties.

That would be funny to try once just to see who, if anyone, gets the reference. Even though I couldn’t quite remember it before this thread, I think it would instantly spark my memory if I heard it out in the wild.

I remembered the commercial. At least the part about the man saying “No, the Boer War.”