The Book of Boba Fett

The makeup effects budget seems a little low in this one. The Twi’lek seemed to have less facial prosthetics, and the Gamorreans less body prosthetics.

Why are they dressed as Optimus Prime?

Honestly, that was kind of disappointing.

I was hoping they wouldn’t try to go back and do anything with the Sarlacc, since anything they did to try to explain Boba’s survival and escape would likely to just be kind of dumb. And…yep. He just…punched his way out? I get he had some gadgets and weapons in the armor, but still, that just seemed kind of doofy. And unnecessary.

So I guess the series is going to alternate between scenes of him trying to establish himself as the new Daimyo with flashbacks of where he was between Return of the Jedi and The Mandalorian? That also seems unnecessary.

The whole thing just seems kind of off to me. In the present, he just kind of declares himself Daimyo, and…some of Jabba’s former vassels just accept that? Others obviously don’t. But…it just seems really weird that a criminal empire would work like that. I’d expect Boba to have to do something to establish his power and authority, beyond just ganking the last guy to hold the throne. And presumably he will in future episodes. But he seems to just kind of expect ruthless criminals to fall into line. It’s just kind of weird.

Also, in both the flashbacks and the present scenes, he seems…kind of nice. Not like Ted Lasso or anything, but he hardly presents as the most feared bounty hunter in the Galaxy. I get that as the protagonist, they don’t want to portray him as a straight-up villain. But even in The Mandalorian he seemed to have a bit more of an edge. Here, he just seems…off. And oddly passive. Maybe Sarlacc digestive juice mellows you out?

I loved the first season of The Mandalorian and enjoyed the second, so Filoni and Favreau have built up more than enough goodwill with me that I want to see where this goes. And this episode wasn’t really bad, just…off.

Also, when did it eat a Stormtrooper?

Any time in the previous 1000 years.

The scene of Boba crawling out of the sand after escaping the sarlacc is word for word straight out of Patton Oswalds infamous Park’s and Rec speech.

I laughed so hard because just before it happened I was like “I wonder if it’ll be like Ted Day.”

But, on the other hand, there really wasn’t another way to show him exiting unless he jetpacked outta there.

It was an ok show for me. What I expected (incorrectly) the Mandalorian to be. I’ll keep watching but I won’t be counting the minutes.

I expect the flashbacks with the sandpeople are establishing his current good relationship with them and when he has trouble with the Twileks and what not, the sandpeople will be his army

Maybe not, but it was dead on starting with the pan down from the twin suns to the sarlacc pit.

They pretty much had to show something so the super fanbois wouldn’t burn down the studio. I was thinking, “Well, at least they got it out of the way right away.” Now we can see something new, not just re-treads of longstanding arguments/fantasies.

I fully support this episode as backstory and setup. Now we can move on.

Yes – I’m OK with backstory in this episode, but future ones better be 90+% “new” (I could tolerate some backstory if it makes sense – maybe it directly relates to the “present”)
So the announcer droid just announces.and can’t do translation? Didn’t Bib get a protocol droid that can translate?
I would have expected removing Mandalorian armor to be more difficult – maybe Jawas are skilled enough.
Gamorian guards proved useful – who knew?


That is not 8D8’s skill set.

I was surprised to see that the droid was voiced by Matt Berry. Looking forward to him saying “Yes I can hear you, Boba Fett.”

And I thought the desert creature was kind of doofy looking but it’s a universe of doofy looking creatures so… shrug?

I also thought the escape was kind of tropey but there really isn’t much else they could do with it. Have him punch out and get on with it. Just because it’s a trope doesn’t mean it can’t be done decently.

It the original run of Star Wars comics it spat him out.

I kind of wondered how strangling a creature that literally spent hours completely buried in the sand worked but hey, whatever.

It also had inconsistent scale. The size of the first claw uncovered indicated something much larger than the +/- 12’ tall thing it ended up when Boba strangled it. I was expecting a last tongue out gasp, a la Jabba’s last breath.

Was that just the claw that was first showing? I was thinking that it may have been its arm.

Here is Patton’s speech, the part that covers Fett:

Begin with standard title sequence and John Williams fanfare followed by a scroll to be written. I would like to mention that Brian de Palma wrote the original opening scroll for Star Wars Episode 4: A New Hope. I think it would be a nice nod, uh, to the franchise if were to write this opening scroll. Then pan down from the twin suns of Tattoine, uh, we are now close on the mouth of the Sarlacc pit. After a beat, the gloved, Mandalorian armor gauntlet of Boba Fett grabs onto the sand outside the Sarlacc pit and the feared bounty hunter pulls himself from the maw of the sand beast.

There’s not much though. And he didn’t pull himself out of the mouth, it looks like he went out the side of the Sarlacc after burning a hole with his flamethrower, then dug up from the sand.

I also thought it was extremely appropriate that Fett’s armor was jacked by Jawas. Those little turds would strip your car to the frame if you left it outside long enough to grab a cup of coffee.

Since we get to see the inside of a Sarlaac, I wish Boba had spent a little more time exploring it. I’ve always imagined that most of the victims would still be alive but trapped. Maybe have a long lived alien who laments that he still has 900 years before he’s completely digested.

Nearly 45 years later, I’m still wondering why anybody (even smugglers and such) would set up camp in a hellish monster infested shit hole like Tatooine. Does the moisture taste particularly sweet?

Was very disappointed with the first episode. So slow, even the fight scenes felt slow. The parkour shield ninja fight was silly and badly choreographed. Does Boba’s jet pack not work?

Felt very low budget compared to last season of Mandalorian.