You know, I’ve been reading this site for a long time (long before I joined) and even used an old friends ID for awhile to access the message boards starting around 2001.
I’ve visited Opals’ Dope page, but I was wondering if there has ever been talk of recording a brief history of the SDMB on a website. You know, something other than just the basic rules, going in several different chapters. Then, just put a link to it where new and old dopers can go alike. Examples:
I. Ancient History - The Dark Ages of the AOL board
II. General Theory of Warcraft - Trolls and InterMB Skirmishes
III. Nine Yards of Ducks Quacking - The General Tactics of Avoiding Infamous Q’s
IV. Of Hi Opal!'s and Putz!'s - Familiarizing with SDMB traditions
That’s just a basic idea. I would humbly offer my helping hands if there was any interest. What do you think, SDMB?
Comments? Ideas? flames? :eek:
The MeatBeast