The butterfly effect was an amazing movie

This is probably my favorite movie now, it was great. I dont think i’ve ever had a favorite movie before now. I’ve noticed I like movies/shows about parallel universes and things of that nature. My favorite episode of star trek TNG is parallels where Wharf is constantly shifting between alternate universes.

Are there any other movies or shows that involve parallel universes and shifting between then (don’t say sliders).

Heh, “Wharf”. That’s the Klingon who likes hanging out down by the docks.

There is a glitch in Butterfly Effect; the manner in which he gets protection for himself in prison (although given the circumstances of his so-called “crime”, I find it unlikely he’d get sent to prison in the first place). He shows a prisoner his palms, and then sends himself back to his own childhood, inflicts an injury on himself, and returns to the present, where the other prisoner is massively impressed by the scars that “suddenly” appear. This is contradictory to the movie’s premise on two major points:
[ul][li]The changes in his life are supposed to be retroactive. Later in the movie when he tries to save the woman from the explosive and ends up severely injuring himself, his arms didn’t suddenly vanish when he retuens to the present; the implication is that they’d always been gone. The other characters didn’t react with “Wow! Where did you arms go?” so the prisoner shouldn’t react with “Wow! Where did those palm scars come from?”[/li]The nature of the so-called “butterfly effect” is that minor differences in past actions lead to radically different outcomes. I would think that a child deliberately driving his palms down on spikes would be a sufficiently unusual event to change the child’s life, making it not at all likely he would end up in the same prison, with the same sentence, with the same cellmate, under threat from the same thugs.[/ul]

“Arrrrrr, ye scurvy Cardassian dogs!”

If you liked the movie, you should read Replay by Ken Grimwood.