The Chance to be in the Vegas Third Debate Audience....

I just submitted my email (once) for that million to one shot of million to one shots… a chance to be flown to Vegas to attend the third debate.
(…and… theoretically… to be flown back afterward. In a seat, not as cargo.)

I’ve got to be honest… in that I’d probably be a pretty bad choice. If they picked a question from me for HRC, I’d probably lob her a softball about the role of Education in The Future of America… and it would be so easy for her that none of you would learn anything about her.
Hell, I’d probably stammer.

If it was a question for Trump, I couldn’t let myself stammer, so I’d probably have to say something over & over to limber up my mouth.
"Rubber Baby Buggy Bumpers… no, wrong emotion… Bluster Baby Bunker-Busters… Bluster Baby Bunker-Busters… Bluster Baby Bunker-Busters… Bluster Baby Bunker-Busters… "

Obviously, I wouldn’t be a good choice to go… and they probably should and will pick someone else. Perhaps they will pick one of YOU…?
So… if they did… If you were picked to go to Vegas, fully paid for, to attend the third debate… what would you ask about?

Do I have to be here? Can’t I head over to Venetian and gamble a little?

My bet (he, he) is that the third debate never happens. It would be stupid of Clinton to be anywhere near Las Vegas on debate night. Trump will be in “burn the workld” mode and nobody wins in that case.

Nothing. The Vegas debate isn’t a town hall format. The moderators will be asking all the questions.:stuck_out_tongue:

I know every single person on the lighting crew for the 3rd debate. I am working another gig so I won’t be there, tho.

Now, if we could have Trump be mauled by a white tiger in the middle of his [del]act[/del] rant, THAT would be worth something.

I suppose depending on the timing on your flight in or out you may get some time to drop some cash before and/or after the event.

Then again for all we know they could be quartering you at a Comfort Inn in Henderson and busing you in and out :stuck_out_tongue:

Pear pimples for hairy fishnuts!

Any chance that it’ll be like “The Pirate Ship Battle” at ‘Treasure Island’…?

There would be a pleasant element of irony in watching him get mauled by a white pussy.

You mean canceled years ago and turned into a place that exploits women in order to sell overpriced food?

Well, yeah, there’s pretty much always that possibility in Las Vegas.

Or did you mean a spectacle with explosions you could watch from the sidewalk, knowing it would all be over soon and you could get back to drinking and gambling?

Well, yeah, there’s pretty much always that possibility in Las Vegas.

Look at it this way. At least Trump could get laid. Might even improve his attitude.

Naah, never happen.

The debate is a mile from my office. I’m working from home that day.

Okay, I know the next debate is not a town hall format. But if it were…here’s my question for both candidates:

“Being president means caring about and working on behalf of all citizens, including and perhaps especially those who are disadvantaged. Not counting any job that you were paid to do or anything you have done on the campaign trail, what specific acts have you undertaken, such as volunteering, donating to charity, or similar actions, to show your concern for the welfare of other people?”

Perhaps the wording could be tightened a bit, but I genuinely would like to hear the answers. My guess is that Trump would never volunteer at a soup kitchen or make significant, truly charitable donations, so he’d ignore the part about “not counting any job you were paid to do” and blather on unsubstantiated claims about how his businesses have created jobs for people.

Hilary presumably hasn’t had time in recent years for hands-on volunteering, but she hopefully has some past experiences to mention. And I don’t know if she’d prefer not to talk about the Clinton Foundation, but there is plenty of charitable work she’s contributed to that she can point to there.

CairoCarol, nice. One might boil that down to each candidate’s concept of (and experience with) “service.” For Trump, it’s just how quickly he can get his steak at a restaurant.

We know how that will go.

Moderator: “Mr. Trump, do you support the US alliance with South Korea?”

Mr. Trump. “First we need to lock Hillary up, lock her up, I’m telling you lots of people agree with me, they want her locked up, she’s a loser, lock her up. Believe me, I will lock her up.”

I’m probably not even watching it. It’ll be that bad.

“Whose was the best pussy you grabbed, Mr. Trump?”

And with Fox’s Chris Wallace moderating, he would then say “Secretary Clinton, same question?”

As a non-American I observe that it seems entirely appropriate to hold this debate in what is the most bizarre location on the entire planet.

You mean “Over the Bump for a Hump for the Trump”?

I’m not sure that Vegas has woman with standards that low or condoms that small.

Working the Rolling Stones concert, by any chance, Bo? That’s where my wife and I will be. We won FREE tickets from the local public radio station! Best thing I ever won in my life!

I expect to enjoy the Stones about one million percent more than watching the debate.

(PM me if you are working it, Bo.)

Nope, sorry. I’ll be rehearsing Lenny Kravitz for a corporate gig here in town. I don’t do rock and roll anymore unless it’s part of a trade show/convention/corporate event; I leave that to the kids.