Obviously you all have been cut. That kind of sarcastic and attack-oriented humor would never come from an intact male.
Please stop bringing irrelevant, argumentative evidence into this debate. These medical studies are obviously propaganda, similar to the advertisements a decade ago to make Americans happy with their American-made automobiles after they bought them. Doctors don’t really care about your penises, they are only justifying their millions of amputations over the years. To admit that they were wrong would open them up to numerous costly law suits.
Let’s summarize the facts, as have been evidenced in aforementioned posts and sites:
- Uncircumcized men are better lovers because:
a. They do not participate in oral or ‘creative’ activities, mainly because they are so superior at intercourse that they don’t need to.
b. The foreskin has a magical property, as it remains unstudied or inexplicable in medical terms, to appropriately rub against all the ‘right’ places inside a woman and more significantly on the outside of a woman’s vagina.
c. It has been documented that uncircumsized men have more different partners. This is a simple law of supply and demand. They are in smaller supply in the U.S. and are a superior product, thus they are in higher demand.
d. Esprix likes the looks of the uncut penis better than the cut version. This, to me, is the greatest and highest level of evidence. Esprix, being a homosexual man, knows more about penises than any heterosexual due to being on both sides of the fence. Since the brain has been stated to be the most erotic organ in the body, it thus follows that attractiveness would incite a greater pleasure in the sexual experience. Similar to the whole size issue.
Some women, in this thread, have claimed to have been with both cut and uncut men and have not noticed an obvious difference in the sexual intensity. It is quite probable that these women were in a drug or alcohol induced state as they did not realize the obvious, that the sex was much better. On the other hand, many of them have probably cut, or planned to cut their own sons and are thus justifying the irreparable harm done to their children.
In addition to the superior sexual abilities of uncut men, there is a superior orgasm and pleasure in an uncut penis. The inside half of the foreskin (7.5 sq inches) is not really skin, but a membrane full of nerves that enable uncut men to have superior orgasms. While the sensitivity and pleasure derived from this skin and these nerve endings has been disputed in this thread by uncut men, they are simply wrong and don’t understand the appropriate way to utilize their penises. It is such a waste. Here are men who have the much idolized but forever lost foreskin, and they are incapable of fully enjoying it due to their ignorance in coitus.
While the penis is usually confined in garments of some type, with obvious exceptions of public showers, nude beaches and orgies, just knowing that one has been cut is a significant mental embarassment. Because of this medically caused deformity, all circumsized men are destined to live out their lives as freaks in comparison to the rest of the (well under 50%) properly uncircumsized males in the United States. To correct this embarassing, sexually limiting condition, a device called Tug-ahoy was developed to pull the cut skin back to it’s former aestetic, if not operational, glory.
The affects of circumcision cut much deeper than sexual performance. The early snip causes a physical trauma that often translates into a mental trauma. This single act has been found to cause agressive behavior in the recipients later in life. It leads to ‘Foreskin Envy’, a derivative of Penis Envy suffered by females. However, since men are more agressive by nature, they manifest this envy through violent behavior. Most mass-murderers were cut at birth. It is merely coincidence that most men were cut at birth in the United States.
The opposition argues that uncircumsized penises can cause penile and cervical cancer. These cancers were developed by the medical profession in laboratories and inflicted upon uncircumsized males and their partners in a secret conspiracy to provide evidence contrary to the devastating effects of circumcision. Due to the general acceptance of routine cutting by the medical industry, they cover each other with peer reviews to protect themselves from the tremendous lawsuits that would ensue if the truth about foreskins were communicated to the masses.
In summation, only the ignorant or sadistic will have their sons cut. This grass roots effort will take root now and be echoed throughout the United States. We only hope that this message is carried appropriately to Save Our Foreskins Throughout America… SOFT America.