The class of '03 is full of terrorists

This weekend is graduation at my High School. Of course, there will be parties. Some people in my class planned on going to party out in the woods near the water reservoir.

I, however, am going to a couple parties at people’s places outside town.

Anyway, I found this article amusing enough to write its entire contents below (names and locations omitted and bolding is done by me). I agree with most of the points of the article, namely the attempt to curb drinking and driving (ok, for that pun I shall be shot).

City aims to crash illegal teen party
by staff writer

[city name] - The City Mayor is warning area high schoolers: No illegal parties on city land this year.
“Zero tolerance is kind of a worn-out phrase. I think a better term is jail time,” he said.
The Mayor said city officials have heard through the grapevine that a bash by students is being planned for the woods near the city’s water reservoir sometime in the next few weeks.
A similar party was organized and thrown three years ago, with students largely spreading the word on-line.
Police were called after residents near the reservoir noticed a steady stream of cars passin by on the normally tranquil road.
There were reports between high schools, and evidence of heavy drinking and sex littered the area the next morning.
Police broke up the party and ordered students to call their parents on cell phones to come pick them up. The woods were soon filled with angry moms and dads, some of whom got their vehicles stuck in the muddy reservoir roads in the wee hours of the morning.
“there were some unhappy parents three years ago, but it will be worse this time if they have to go to jail to pick up their kids,” the Mayor said.
** Since the events of Sept. 11, 2001, the city has been concerned about its water source because of possible terrorism.
“We just can’t have things like this (parties) especially since Sept. 11, because of security risks,” the mayor said.**
“And also, we can’t have teen-agers drinking and driving.”
Over the next few weeks, City Police wil be on patrol at the reservoir using all-terrain vehicles.
“Plus, we have a few other things planned, so these kids better think twice,” The mayor said.

Ack! Clayton!!! You know you’re not supposed to copy entire articles (especially if you don’t have a link to the original!) Better hide under the bed 'cause if a mod finds you, your ears will be boxed for sure!

The water thing is (at least in Canada) a federal edict. It doesn’t mean that oficials think high school kids are terrorists – all public water supplies and treatment plants are offically off limits.

My SO works in film. One season they were able to shoot there the next season, post9/11, it was thoroughly and unequivocally off-limits to ANY one who did not have official clearance. So the production company was outta luck – it was a rather important location too.